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Battered and wrecked, i still come to you first

┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐"Will you close that damn book? It's making me want to throw up

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┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
"Will you close that damn book? It's making me want to throw up." Seungmin whined as me and Tina were still flipping around pages as if it's going to help. There's only ten minutes left for the exam and Minho is nowhere to be seen.

"I feel like I just forgot everything." I complained as Tina shut the book with an angry grunt. "Once this exam is over I'm going to sleep for a whole damn week." Tina said but Anne and Seungmin laughed. "That's not possible. If we win, we are going to new fucking jersey." Anne said and just as Tina was about to say something, Seungmin was pushed by someone.

He was almost about to fall on his face but Tina stopped that from happening. "What the hell, Sehoon?" She angrily asked the guy who was laughing along with his friends. "Oops - sorry, didn't see that tiny prick there." He teased seungmin as Anne was about to slap the guy before I pulled her back.

"What's the matter sehoon? You think you're a little smart ass?" I walked towards him with my books in my hand. "Smart ass? Yeah me and our entire class, unlike your class. Minho sir's pets" The bunch of students around him laughed. Sehoon belonged to Chan's sir's class and Tina and him are friends so I wonder why he's behaving like this.

"Show me your smartness with your grades then, big talk." I said and he almost raised his hand and I was ready to swing my books at his face but Tina stepped in again.

She grabbed Sehoon's hand and gave it a strong push that he stumbled back. "Get lost Sehoon." He gave me a smirk and vanished inside the exam hall which was already filled with many students.
"You okay?" I asked Seungmin as he nodded and checked his uniform.

"I am. Let's not let this incident affect our exams okay? We are still going to rock this exam." He said in determination.

"Best of luck to us." Anne cheered and I let a sigh out. Okay let's not mess this up. I can't let my mom and Minho down. Never.

Only five minutes left and the principal was talking about the rules and regulations while my eyes were stuck on the door. Where the hell is Minho?

"And remember, if any student is caught cheating, the whole class of that student will get disqualified. Am I clear?" The principal asked and everyone said "yes sir" in unison.

"Your time starts... now." The hell rang and with one final look at seungmin Anne and Tina I opened the question paper.

Ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.

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