14 | that's just lovely, isn't it?

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"YOU KNOW HOW IN most stories, when the main character gets into a hospital the sound of beeping fills their ears, before they wake up fully? I don't know how I remembered, but it was the opposite for me. My ears had a distant ringing in them, as I opened my eyes.

Light flooded my vision as I tried to sit up. Instead, letting out a groan, I flopped down under the blanket I was covered by. Pain jabbed at me like thorns. Stab, stab, stab, over and over and over until it seemed numb. The first thing I saw was the ceiling. Then, the same repeated beep reached my ears and i let myself sink more into the hospital bed.

"Hello." The word registered in my mind after a moment of silence. "Hi." I replied, slowly trying to sit up again. It sort of worked, as I was up enough to see more than just the ceiling. My eyes landed on a doctor, who seemed to be observing me. He scribbled on the clipboard that was in his hands. "How are you feeling? Bakugo, right?"

I tried moving my arm, and only winced. "I have a question, and then I'll answer yours." I offered as I moved my arm steadily, finally placing it on top of the blanket that covered me with effort. "Afraid I can't do that, Miss. How are you feeling?" Doctor chuckled, leaning on one of the shelves that seemed to be placed around the room. I heaved a sigh at the repeated question.

"I'm fine as far as I can tell, Doc. Everything hurts when I move it though." I answered truthfully, then as if getting hit by a bus, the questions hit me. "Is Eri okay? Did Mirio also lose his quirk? Did anyone die?" The questions escaped my mouth before I could stop myself. My hand shakily curled into a tight fist.

The doctor sighed, suddenly looking a lot more weary and old. "I need you to calm down, Bakugo. Do you have any family for us to contact and inform about your state?" I bit the bottom of my lip, slightly stiffening. "No." It felt like the simple word came out a bit harshly, but I wasn't one to take anything back.

He nodded, scribbling a few more words on his paper. "Alright. As to answer your question, the girl has been successfully rescued. However, she's being isolated at the moment," he paused. "Togata didn't lose his quirk. You..." I waved my hand, dismissing it. "I know."

"Yes, so then you do," the doctor sighed, raising one hand to drag it down his face. "As for dying, nobody's died yet—" "Yet?" I sat up immediately, suddenly not caring about the fresh wave of pain that racked my body. My chest tightened and suddenly it hurt to breathe, to take in each breath. I knew it wasn't because of my injuries. Everything all of a sudden seemed to close down on me. I mentally scolded myself for panicking this easily. "Bakugo, are you sure you don't have immediate family? From your records, I think there should be someone by your side for these things."

The doctor's words drag me out of my daze, though I wasn't very comforted. "No, I don't." I answered tightly. Take a breath in, Y/n. Breath out. Think of things that make you calm. The sound of rain pitter-pattering on your windowsill. The sound of the warm summer wind rushing, surrounding you in what seemed a faint hug.

"Okay then. Sir Nighteye took some very fatal injuries, and will not be able to make it." The doctor said slowly, crouching down to meet my eyes. He spoke each word slowly, as if he thought I was a child who just understood the concept of death. I grunted, slowly pulling the blanket off. His eyes widened. "Miss, you're in no condition to—"

"I don't care." I retorted, getting to my feet and rushing towards what seemed to be the room Nighteye was in. The monent I rushed in, the first word that was taken out of me was, "Mirio!" My eyes instinctively rushed to him. He was crying. Izuku and All Might stood beside him, as I half stumbled to the blonde boy.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, as what seemed to be a soothing gesture. My eyes travelled to Nighteye, as he faintly smiled. "And be sure to smile..." Sir Nighteye's eyes closed, making a closed eye smile. A faint trace of a smile forced its way onto my lips, as I tried to uphold his last request.

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