10 | mission 1

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"FIRST MISSION BY OURSELVES." I mumbled, as we were standing in a deserted clearing with a huge building in front of us, stretching high up. "W- what if we mess up..? What if I m- mess up.." Tamaki asked nervously, pacing back and forth.

"It's mostly just Mirio and Y/n! We'll be okay!" Nejire reassured, smiling. "Ciao." As if on cue, I waved and entered the building. 

The lobby was a spacious room, with two matching counters on each side. There was an elevator at the end of the room, and some old storage rooms to the right.

"Hello, Ma'am. What have we done to get this lovely visitor?" Someone immediately greeted me, a suspicious look dreeaping onto their face.

That was the first thing that had me suspicious.

"Hello. I've been reported that there are illegal drugs here, so I'm here to clear them out. Where do you keep them?" I asked bluntly, my voice monotone. The man's eyes widened but he quickly regained his posture.

"Sorry, I need to go for a second." He excused himself and tried to run, but I grabbed him by his arm quickly.

"Sir, where are the drugs?" I asked, not giving anything away in my voice.

"Ma'am, I don't know what you're talking about. We don't have any drugs, less illegal ones. Please stop, this is harassment." He said firmly, hiding the trace of nervousness in his voice. He was still pulling, trying to slip away. I reluctantly let him go.

"Then let me search your building." I said. "I'm afraid I can't do that, and now if you would excuse me." He quickly ran, not bothering to hide the panic in his movements. I groaned.

This was the annoying part of the plan.

I need to let them capture me, letting Mirio know the firm location at where they all were, because I had a tracker on my hair, where the hairpin was. I needed to stall once I was at a firm location, for around 5 minutes so he has time to clear out every single person.

Then he uses the tracker and comes to our location, with Permeation and all.

As for Tamaki and Nejire, they stay outside for any guards or people that try escaping. And if our plan doesn't work, they're backup. Nejire's also the only one that brought a phone, so she's calling the police to get all of them.

The man from earlier came back, with people following him hurriedly. I blinked and rolled my eyes. "Where are the drugs?" I asked impatiently, an edge to my voice.

"Ma'am, we'll need you to come with us." The people gestured for me to follow them, in which I did. We went into the elevator, and one of the people pressed a button which I assumed led to the rooftop.

The elevator dinged and we went outside, to be greeted by another person standing on the rooftop, arms crossed.

"You can hear To see if we had drugs, yes?" He questioned. I nodded. "So sir, do you?"

He stayed silent, gesturing one of the four behind me. The person who was gestured from, ran and got a rope that was laying in the corner of my vision.

"hands, please." Someone said. I looked at them. "Why should I? I came here to investigate a case, not to be tied up."

"One of us have a quirk that could do serious damage, so please, hands." Another man said, and I sighed. "And how do I know you're not bluffing?"

"You find out the hard way." The man offered, as a person walked up to me and a blade formed in his hand, which he silently threatened to put against my neck. I reluctantly held my hands out. "so, drugs?" I prompted.

The person who held the rope walked up and tied my hands together.

This may seem stupid, but it helps me stall.

"We don't have the drugs. You can even search, but I doubt you'll find any." The person who stood on the rooftop stated.

The difference is, that this man said I could search his building and the other couldn't. So who was really in charge here? Or was nobody in charge? Or was the person in charge somewhere else. There was multiple possibilities, and some didn't make sense as some made more.

Just five minutes.

I exhaled, and met his gaze. "So why tie me up?" "reasons." He said.

This is weird, nothing's making sense.

Quick remarks and insults passed between the people and I, minutes ticking by and by.

He smirked. "So, when's your friends going to come up here and fight us? Or are they going to betray you?" I glared at him. "You have my hands tied, yet you can't even knock me out." I pointed out.

As I realized five minutes was ending, I stood silently. It made the people suspicious, but it's fine.

Mirio suddenly popped out of the floor. I sighed in relief, as the people stared at him, shocked. I edged toward the edge of the rooftop. "Ciao, nice talking to you." I gave a two-finger salute and jumped off the roof.

As I was falling, I activated my quirk and flew backwards, then down.

Oh amazing, I'm lost, and my hands are tied.

I walked around and over to where I hoped the building was, and was greeted by an anxious Tamaki.

"Please untie my hands." I said, sighing. Tamaki nodded and started working on my wrists, slowly untying the rope.

"What happened?" He asked quietly. "They tied my hands, nothing else though. They should have better defences. It was way too easy, which was weird." I mumbled, looking up at the building.

Footsteps got louder, as Mirio and Nejire ran over to us. "We succeeded!" Nejire cheered. "Did you call the police?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Nejire huffed. "You think I would forget the only part I have in this plan? Of course I did!" "Oops." I muttered.

Mission 1, success.

The pain hasn't even started yet.

word count: 1011 words

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