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"LOOKING UP AT THE CLOCK, I saw that it was now 8:30 AM. With every second passing, I felt more and more worried. Worried in my own abilities, though I knew I shouldn't be. This was supposed to be among the countless missions I had already been involved in.

For some reason, it felt so different. Like something new was going to happen to me. It for some reason didn't feel scary to me either. Curiosity took over my thoughts, as we all gathered outside the building. My eyes darted around, still buried deep in thoughts.

They eventually landed on the purple-blueish haired girl standing beside me, Nejire. It seemed unfair to involve her in this, but I'd hope she would help me anyway. "Neji," A soft whisper from me, and she immediately snapped her attention to me. "Y/n?" She asked, matching my hushed tone.

"I'm going to run off by myself." At my words, her eyes widened and she stiffened ever so slightly. "And you want me to cover for you? I gotcha." She took the words right out my mouth, as her lips curved into a tiny smile. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

I returned her small smile with my own, my eyes showing the gratitude I had for this girl. "Yeah, promise." With that, I activated my quirk and flew off furiously quick, into the building, to where so many new things would happen to me.


"AIZAWA NOTICED THE explosions that could be just slightly heard from a bit away, but he couldn't see anything. His eyes darted around, making sure everyone was here. However, when he was about to focus back on something else, noticed a single person wasn't there. From where the h/c-haired girl was supposed to be standing next to Hado, was gone.

If he'd put two and two together, Aizawa would guess that L/n had ran off by herself. Part of Aizawa said that the girl wouldn't. The other, rational part of him saw reason that she would. From his eyes, the girl had seemed to be on edge. So had she, the other third years taking part in this had been as well, he reasoned back to his thoughts.

Aizawa's head was a mess, reasons and reasons swirling around until the man pushed all of them away to a corner in his head. He walked over to Hado, who focused her attention on Aizawa as she noticed him approaching. "Hado, would you happen to know where L/n is?" Aizawa questioned straightforwardly.

Hado blinked at Aizawa, before answering his question. "I think she went to the washroom, she'll be back." As far as he could tell, she probably wasn't lying. Then again, the girl could be. Aizawa just decided to believe Hado and nodded, walking back to where he had been waiting before.

They were all standing ready. The police just needed to read the warrant and the heroes could bust in. Before the man could even ring the bell, a massive man with a plague mask punched through a wall.

The man was about to punch them, but Ryukyu stopped his punch by activating her quirk and turning into a dragon. "Listen, we can't split up many of our forces just yet, the Ryukyu agency will take care of this villain." She slammed the man against the ground, "The rest of you, Go!" she ordered.

The heroes didn't hesitate to run inside. "This is the heroes and the police. We have permission to search your premises on suspicion of manufacturing and sell illegal drugs." the man stated loudly. One of the thugs attacked with the leaves from a bush but it only hit the Police's shields. One of the heroes kicked him to the ground and held him as we raced past to the inside of the building.

Aizawa was running just in front of Deku and Lemillion. They finally entered the building. "Do you think someone leaked our plans for the raid? They shouldn't have come pouring out like that." Izuku asked to the heroes, "No, I think they'd be fighting more cohesively. Groups like this are used to working together." the policeman said, slightly out of breath. "There's nothing that matters more to these guys than their relationship with their boss and their brothers. Being part of the underworld only makes loyalty that much more sacred to them." Aizawa stated as they were running.

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