11 | frustrations

325 6 1

[ edited ]

"A FEW DAYS HAD PASSED since the conference and the mission. I could tell that everyone that was at the conference was on edge, as Nighteye was still trying to pinpoint Chisaki. Which would take awhile, and not only that but we had the info there was a child there.

Who knows what was happening to Eri? A child, nonetheless.

I stirred my food around, staring at it tiredly. "Eat your food, Y/n!" Nejire exclaimed, half scolding.

"Like any of us are actually eating properly knowing that a child is in danger." I mumbled, my hands tapping the table. The sound was the only thing I really heard, while my thoughts and worries swam around in my head.

Silence spread across our table, apart from the soft sound of my hands tapping.

"Let's just eat.." Tamaki murmured quietly, and we murmured a few words in agreement. I took a few bites of my food, slumping in my chair and looking up at the ceiling.

Let's just hope we get the location soon, yes?


two days later, nighttime

I woke up to my phone ringing, and sat up. I stretched and took it.

It was a call. The thing I had been waiting for, for a time that felt it had stretched for months but was only a few days.

I stood up and walked to the elevator, getting in. Then, got outside the campus to be greeted by three figures, their shadows stretching over the campus grounds.

I wobbled over to them to them, rubbing my eyes and standing beside Nejire.

"Mirio," Tamaki spoke, also holding his phone. "Let's do our best." Nejire stated sleepily, swaying back and forth, as I mumbled agreement.


The next morning, we all woke up earlier than usual and went to change into our hero costumes. "How many daggers, Neji?" I asked, blankly glancing down at the small stack of daggers and small knives I had.

Nejire gulped, her eyes flickering to my stack. "You're creepy sometimes, N/n! Um.. 3? We are going to go mostly to save a child!" She pointed out, her voice slightly rising.

I took 6. Oh well, doesn't quite matter.

Nejire and I walked out the changing room, as Tamaki and Mirio stood a few distances away from us. We all started heading to the police station, and once we got there, we were greeted by the police.

"As you know, Nighteye was able to use his quirk on a Hassaikai member. Through it, he was able to see underground facilities. We believe them to be this Yakuza group's headquarters. We were also able to confirm that the girl that we're trying to rescue is currently being held in one of the rooms there." A policeman stated.

"Although we were unable to map out the entire layout of the underground hallways, we believed the man Sir Nighteye saw took the shortest route to our target. This is the best intel we have at the moment concerning the Hassaikai stronghold. It's the basis of this mission. Stay smart, these guys are dangerous and we can expect them to bring their quirks against us full force."

Just a fair warning, I was being pretty reckless here. I didn't listen, and spaced out, my eyes flickering around and my mind lost in thought.

'What if I.. went by myself?'

"Earth to Y/n." Nejire nudged me,and I snapped back to the police station. She sighed. "Look, if you want to run off by yourself or something don't be obvious about it!" Nejire hmphed, crossing her arms as soft laughter escaped my lips.

"So you know, should've know you'd figure out quickly." I mumbled. "Just feels frustrating that we have to go through all these measures for say, a 6 year old girl."

Her eyes looked almost pitying, far from the usual bubbly and cheery look. "Well, we do need to save her no matter what so I guess it's okay!"

"Yeah.." I glanced at the clock, which was ticking. It felt like every second that passed by, was every bit of my patience slipping away. Slowly, slowly, slowly.

Once it turned 8:30 AM, it was time.

Time, to save a child. A broken, but precious one.

word count: 750 words!
I AM SO VERY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATNG, i halfway started binge watching bungo stray dogs HELP!! um very short chapter but dw about it, more is to come! <3 ty for all the reads and votes mwah

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