Flight To The Oceanid Kingdom

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I silently watched the twilight of the sun vanish, bringing this day into darkness. A gentle wind blew through dried grasses, gorse, pau-branco, bellflower, and hogweed. The heat of the day still radiated off the black rocks stained with iron.

Rina rises as she helps me up to my feet. It was getting late and she wanted me to sleep as tomorrow, I was unlikely to get any rest.

"By this time tomorrow, we will have to contend with the might of Atlantis! Once the High Queen or I touch the water, we will return back to our Atlantean form and the Royal Guard will become aware of us with the rising tide!" She emphasizes, urging me "You, Jen, and Kiera must not be around when that happens! You are our only hope at ending this war!"

I shivered; not because I was cold, but because of the thought of diving over one mile down to a world of eternal darkness, while the world of Atlantis around me was a powder keg ready to go off.

"What can Jen and I do to change the minds of Atlantis?" I asked as she glances at me and smiles.

"Once we are in the water, I will show you how to operate the Oceanid ship and will program it to take you directly back to the Oceanid Kingdom." Rina explains, going into further detail.

"High Queen Oceamera, Kiera and I will take the Amphere ship back to the Amphere Kingdom and plead with King Koa for sanctuary. Once he sees that the high queen is alive, he will have no choice but to pledge his allegiance back to her! While we are doing that, I need you to find your aunty and tell her that I am still alive and awaiting her in Amphere."

I do not like the idea of sailing into a war-torn nation. Why can't she just go back home and tell the Oceanid people herself? She is their queen, after all! But also, at this moment, she is my queen and grandmother and I better learn to listen to the voices of authority if I want a future in my mother's kingdom.

"Respectfully speaking, we should stay together. What if I need you!" I commented as Rina smiled warmly, glad to see that I still 'need' her. It means that I am at least trying to accept what was happening to me.

"You must have faith, Méir!" Rina says as she watches the moon slowly rise in the eastern sky.

Walking down to the safety of the visitor's center, we went inside and made camp within the structure. We cannot turn on the lights as that might attract unwanted attention, so we talk to one another in the dark.

Jen and I sat outside for a while, where it was cooler, as the Atlantean's gathered supplies to make themselves comfortable. Both she and I have been told the plan, and we both agree...it is a terrible plan...but the only plan that we have.

"Did Lady Rina say where the Oceanid Kingdom was?" Jen asked as I shook my head.

"Not a word about it. She said that after she teaches me how to operate the ship, it will take us to the Oceanid Kingdom." I stared down at the floating ships as I knew that in a few hours, my whole life would depend on this half sunken dolphin-looking thing!

Jen looks at the ship that looks like the skeleton of a cetacean, the water splashing inside the interior, washing over the harnesses.

"I doubt that thing will even float!" Jen giggles.

"I do not think that they were initially designed to float." I said as I watched the water splash inside.

Even with the drug circulating inside of my body, I still fell under the ocean's beautiful song as my fingertips touched the smooth featureless flesh of my neck. I glanced back at Jen as there was no way that she could go inside that thing! She still cannot breathe underwater yet!

Atlantean Doctrine Book 5 - Atlantis Rising!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن