Volume 5 The Reunion Dinner and Discussion

Start from the beginning


Ozpin: We still a way to go, let's get back to it.


Later that day

Y/N walks into the kitchen to see everyone else preparing a meal.

Ruby: Hey Y/N!

"Hey Ruby..."

Ren: You seem tired.

"Yeah, Ozpin was training me how to wield this sword. It's going to be a hard journey while using it, but I know I can pull it off."

Nora: You sure will!! It's a really cool weapon!!

Jaune: I have to agree, I've never seen a sword like that before.

"Or held one, here."

Jaune: Huh?

Y/N hands him the sword as Jaune feels the weight of it and falls over.

Jaune: Oh... come on! Why is it so heavy? How are you so strong?

"You think Elucinator and Dark Repulser are lightweights?"

Jaune: Maybe?

Y/N gets the sword off of Jaune and puts it in its scabbard.

"I'm going to put this back in our room, Ruby."

Ruby: Okay!

They get back to cooking as Y/N heads inside the room and puts the sword against the wall. He smiles at it before he exits the room and starts helping out.


Ren: Alright, thr first batch is just about done.

Ruby: Awsome! Now we just need Qrow and we'll be all set.

"Plus the other huntsmen he's bringing here."

Nora was chewing on some food as Y/N passes by her to get some extra spices.

Nora: Do you really think he's going to bring that many people? This is a lot of food.

As Nora was about to throw the carrot in her mouth, Y/N grabs it with his two fingers mid air.

"Huntsmen and Huntresses do eat a lot, you're a good example. Now stop eating the food."

Ruby: Uh, I don't know. But it sounds like we can use all the help we can get.

Qrow (In the background) I'm back.

Ruby: Be right there!

Ren: You're going to overcook that.

Ruby: No I'm not, shut up!

"No, he's right, let me take over."

Qrow: Hey, uh, Ruby?

Ruby: I'm coming!

The food starts smoking. Ruby sighs as Y/N gives her a worried smile.

Ruby: Fine, you take over.

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