Chapter 16

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Three years ago...


Masamune who was In Grand Zi-O form was currently fighting Another Gaim and Faiz. Geiz was dealing with Faiz while he dealt with Gaim.

"Sending two Another Riders so rash... it's not like you Kairos."

Zi-O punched AG away and stared at Kairos who was watching them a few feet away. Zi-O focused his attention back to AG and kicks it away before spinning his driver.


Mirage of the Heisei riders appeared behind him before going into Zi-O as he punched AG killing it and causing an explosion.

Turning to his left Geiz was dealing with AF while using the Ridewatch he gave him. Zi-O then shifted his attention to Kairos and walks towards him.

"What's with the plan Kairos? You surely don't expect these small fries to deal with me."


"What's with the silence?"

"What's with your future self reflection?"

"Reflection? You mean my mirror self? I thought I already got rid of him."

"Of course you don't know... then I'll find out myself."

"Hey! Wait!"

Zi-O runs towards Kairos who was about to enter the future. Just as Kairos was about to disappear Zi-O grabs his arm surprising the Time Jacker as they both vanished.


Geiz who watched them disappear was in shock as he was finished with AF. Geiz reverted back into human and stared at the spot they disappeared.

"Where did you go Zi-O?"

Three years later...

Zi-O and Kairos appeared in the middle of the streets. Kairos pulls himself away from Zi-O and knocks him away.

Zi-O stares at the place they are currently at. It's a city but he could see some creature with pink energy.

"To think you would follow me..."

"I can't let you do whatever you want."

"Suit yourself... but a warning... this world is currently afraid of the Kamen Rider."

Kairos vanished from where he was leaving Zi-O alone. The rider continued staring before he disappeared into the night.


Masamune continued walking slowly while wearing his hood while Kiana was still in her Void Drifter battlesuit.

Masamune suddenly stops and looks back. He sense a familiar energy somewhere near him... the energy was like him.


Hearing Kiana voice Masamune snapped out his thoughts. She was looking at him worriedly earning a sigh from before he gently hold her hand.

"I'm fine... just felt something weird."

Masamune pat her head earning a soft sight from her before she leans her head a little. Masamune smiles gently before letting go of his hand.

"Let's contin-"

"Masamune-senpai what's wrong?"

Masamune didn't reply before looking into a building corner. Masamune suddenly brought out the Jikan Girade in gun mode and shot the corner causing a person to step back to avoid the attack.

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