Chapter 31

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I smiled at Matthew as he pulled up in his car. I jumped into the passenger seat as he put the car in drive. I clicked on the radio as 5SOS blared through the speakers and I started singing along at the top of my lungs. 

{at hotel}

"I didn't know you could sing"  Matthew winked at me as headed for the bathroom to take a quick shower. I locked the door and got in the shower just standing under the hot water letting it encase my thoughts and body. I thought about my parents and how they probably feel about all of this. ASHAMED THEY HATE YOU   my mind screamed KILL YOURSELF.  I took the razor in my hand, carefully slid out the blade and held it to my scarred wrist. Matt knocked on the door and it made me jump just barely scratching my hand instead of my wrist. 

"shit" I whispered. 

"you alright babe?" Matthew said as he somehow entered the locked bathroom. He looked at me and his mouth fell open. 


This beautiful girl was standing in front of me with a blade in her hand and makeup running down her face. Tears flowed from her eyes as she mouthes two simple words "I'm sorry." I opened the shower door and slapped the blade out of her hand and then turned the water off . I wrapped her in a towel and dried her off before dressing her in the clothes she had bought at the mall. Carlie was so gorgeous, why does she blame herself for everything? I rubbed her back until she fell asleep. 

 {2 hours later} 

She woke up. She looked at her hand. She ran for the window. She opened it. She jumped. I grabbed the sleeve of her shirt just in time. I lifted her with one hand back into the hotel room. I pinned her on the bed and I slapped her. And then I punched her. And then I found myself being punched from behind. Attacked even.Carter, Hayes, Shawn, Nash, and Cameron were pulling me off of her. The last thing I ever saw of Carlie Aliyah Smith was her sitting up from where I had pinned her with blood gushing from her nose and tears from her eyes

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