Chapter 11

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There was a pounding sound on the front door of Cameron's house. I had just gotten out of the shower. I threw on Matt's hoodie and some leggings from PINK. I slipped my black vans on and walked into our bedroom.

"We have to leave babe. The police are here looking for us." Matt said as I entered the room. He was on his phone typing away at something. When he looked up he smirked and walked over to me pushing me gently against the wall.

He pushed his lips to mine and I wrapped my arms around his Matt's hands settled firmly on my hips. i felt a surge of love between us and I kept my lips to his until I could not stand on my toes anymore. I pulled away slightly and looked at Mathew.

He had bags under his eyes and a distant look in his eyes. I kissed both of his cheeks and snuggled into his chest.

I heard heavy footsteps approach the bedroom door. I ran to grab my purple Jansport and climb out the window. Matt went out first and caught me when I jumped.

We ran into the surrounding woods never looking back. The last thing we heard was the door clicking open. We had just made it.

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