Chapter 21

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This chapter is dedicated to my brother ry_gustin17 because it's his birthday. enjoy loves 💘

I turned the promise over and over in my hand. Matthew. I've know him for 2 months now. And I've already promised my love to him. Matt had went to get some Chinese food from the restaurant across the street from our hotel.

I sat on our bed and looked out on the view. I could see the whole city. And just on the horizon line, I could see the Symphony Towers. I loved them. They looked so peaceful. I wish my life was peaceful. Or that it was over.

I shook the thought out of my head as I heard the door click open. However, what I saw wasn't Matt and Cameron.

It was Halley.

"Halley. what are you doing here?" Her eyes got wide and she held out her wrists to me. Fresh cuts were etched onto her wrists. Some of them were bleeding.

"I couldn't take it. Couldn't do it. I wouldn't let them track your phone so I destroyed mine."

"Come here" I said wrapping my arms around her as she sobbed into my chest. I rubbed her back until she fell asleep and laid her down on the bed.

I walked into the bathroom applying Neosporin to my healing cuts and then I walked back to the bed, gently applying some to Halley's.

I'm sure she saw the cuts on my wrists. Her and Matt are the only ones who know.

I stared at Halley for a long while. It wasn't until Matt's soft hands wiped the tears from my cheeks that I realized I was crying and that he was back.

Halley had broken me again.

Save Me ♦︎Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang