Shoe tyeing

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Some things are more difficult for others. While this sentence is said a lot, how truly difficult are some things for so people?

Bakugou katsuki can't tie his shoes. Kat struggles with tyeing his shoes. Bakugou needs help tyeing his shoes.

You can say it however you like but it doesn't make it any less embarrassing for katsuki.

Granted there's nothing really wrong with not being able to tie your shoes, but to katsuki everything is wrong with not being able to tie your shoes.

Okay so Kat wore Velcro shoes all the way up it'll the seventh grade. It's not that he didn't want to learn to tie his shoes it's just that Velcro shoes where cooler in his opinion. Now by the time the seventh grade rolled around not everyone thought this. Everyone else thigh Velcro shoes where lame.

So katsuki got a pair of shoes that had laces. And even though Katsuki tried his hardest he never did learn how to wear them.

And between work and dinner and cleaning katsukis parents just didn't have the time or energy to teach him either.

So the blond boy would either leave his shoes united claiming it was part of the aesthetic of the outfit it he simply tucked the laces into his shoes.

This worked all the way up till present day.

It was a normal day at least so far it was. That was untill sero got into overprotective mode.

Katsuki forgot to tuck his laces in his shoes that morning running slightly behind. He started to tuck the laces everyday after he started getting closer to sero and Sero would yell at him everyday for not having his shoes tied.

Katsuki walks into the classroom still having about a minute or so to spare. And goes to sit at his desk where he find seri and kirishima are standing having a conversation.
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Sero is standing at katsukis desk waiting for him to arrive. The raven haired male was currently having a conversation with the crimson haired male about who could fit more marshmallows in there mouth.

There conversation was cut short when katsuki walked in. The first thing the taller blacked haired boy has noticed was the shorter boys shoes.

"Kat come here" sero said catching the attention of the blonde as well as some people around them.

Katsuki looked up at sero confused but walked over to him non the less.

"Yess" katsuki says looking up at the taller man. Sero looks into Kats eyes then looks down at his shoes back at his eyes and back at his shoes. Katsuki followed his eyes with a confusion laced expression until it finally dawned on him what sero was Implying.

"Oh sorry I forgot to tuc- tie them obviously tie them I tie my shoes like everyonr else"
Katsuki days looking up at sero again sniling slightly.

"Tie them" the black haired boy leaves absolutely no room for argument as he says this.

Katsuki stays unresponsive looking down at his shoes for a moment before staring back up at sero a quiet "no" sliding past his lips.

"You know you could trip and you could hurt your beautiful self." When sero finishes his statement he walks closer to katsuki hugging him close and quietly whispering in his ear "you know you don't deal with it well when your hurt. I don't wanba see you crying when you fall over and scrape you knee. Your way to perfect to be hurt baby please tie your shoes."

At that wonderful statement Katsuki grabs seros hand and pulls him out of the classroom. When he makes it out of the classroom Bakugou makes sure the door is closed then turns to look up at sero.

"I can't tape face" sero looks frustrated and responds with the same frustration "your argueing about this to much I mean seriously Kat just tie your shoes what's the big deal"

Katsuki frustratingly sighs and runs his hands over his face stopping to aggressively rub ay his eyes. "I just told you the big deal dumbass I can't"

"Can't what" sero asks now simply being confused.

Bakugou groans "are you seriously going to make me say it!"

"Say what I'm highly confused" as sero says this Bakugou looks up realizing sero truely is confused

Katsuki huffs and runs a hand through his hair finally giving sero a straight foward answer. "I can't tie my shoes asshole. There it is the great Bakugou katsuki can't tie his shoes. Okay I tried teaching myself but it didn't work and my parents never cared enough or had the time whatever the reason may be they never taught me"

"Oh" sero says then simply squats down in the floor and ties katsukis shoes for him. "There no big deal" sero smiles then stands up.

Bakugou stands there simply confused "thats it. No questions! no weird looks! no reaction! Your just simply going to tie them for me and then just stand there like nothing happened"

The taller male laughs "yeah that's all I'm gonna do."

The blonde stands there utterly confused

"I could teach if you'd like it but you sine Velcro" the taller of the two boys smiles looking down making eye contact with the boy in front of him "I wouldn't make fun of you ever especially not over something as silly as tyeing your shoes that's well silly"

"You'd really teach me" Bakugou breaks eye contact looking at the floor

Sero walks over to the shorter male putting his hand under his chin to lift his head up
"Of Course, but later we need to get to class"

Both boys chuckled as the bell rang right at the moment and they walked into the classroom and took there seats.

Later they had their first show tying lesson it took a couple lessons but eventually Bakugou got the hang of it.

Now Bakugou katsuki can officially say that he can tie his shoes and it's never a lie.

So this was in a completely random idea I had umm its kinda weird but I also kinda like it sooo yeah.

Anyways umm have a great whatever part of your day and umm comment if you wanna see anything specific and I'll try my best to get that made for you and uh yeah


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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