brat 0.2

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🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄This was an idea that turned in to another idea but I like it somewhat so yeah. Its its something. This also turned in to a serokiribaku uhh idk but yeah.
Kats pov-
So I was sitting in my room. I had just finished my homework for the day and my training. It was like 6pm. I was kinda bored so I went down to the common room to see my squad and some of dekus squad scattered around the kitchen and living room area. I walked over to kiri and sat down on the floor in front of him. I look up to him to see him writing in his notebook and not paying attention to me. I would like attention I say still looking at him. He looks down at me and places his hand on my chin saying and I would love to give it to you but I'm working. I pout then grab his notebook dropping it on the floor. He just looked at me and smiled and said go on do it again I dare you. I look to the side to see Mina giving me a look telling me not to. I smile and turn back to kiri but before I can grab his pen sero grabs my hands and holds then above my head from behind. Hey! No it's okay sero let him get himself in trouble kiri says. They start having a conversation while I'm sitting there struggling and yelling at sero to let me go. Sero finally let's me go saying fine. You still wanna do it again kitty Kat kiri says looking down at me again. I just sit there pouting. Didn't think so. Now why don't you go pick up my notebook. After a couple seconds of me not moving he leans down and whispers in my ear saying that "or I can sit you in timeout Intill you wanna pick it up" I look at him and stand up walking away. Yeah not gonna happen he says grabbing my wrist pulling me back over to him where I'm standing right in front of him. Pick it up now. No. He then gives me that look uhh idk but the look.. Ughhhh fine I say grabbing it and shoving it in his face. To late he says picking me up bringing me to corner saying and I quote "5 minutes and if you keep up the attitude your punishment will be way worse. He walks away and I decide to do my favorite thing. I get up from the corner and run to my dorm. I close the door and lay in my bed throwing my blanket over my head.

Kiri's pov-
I put Kat in the corner for being a brat. I walk away and not even a minute later when I turn around he's not there. Just great I say outloud. Sero would you please help me now. Yeah sure dude he says. We both walk up to kats room. I open the door and see him in his favorite "hiding spot" if you could call it that. I motion sero to walk over to the bed. He does and when he gets there he takes the blankets off of Kat and he tries to run to the door. He sees me and that's when it dawned on him that we cornered him. He backs away from me but backs right into seros arm. Where you think your going sero says giving him a tight hug so he can't move. No where he says and does that cute pout of his. I think you where deffinitely trying to go somewhere. Nu uh he says. I roll my eyes and walk up to them picking up Kat out of seros arms. Now. Now what he says. NOW I have had about enough of that attitude so do you wanna come sit in the corner for a little. Or do you wanna keep that up and get a spanking. He stuck his tongue out at me. Okay then sero 10 or 15. Mmmm I'm thinking 10 for now but there can always be more added if he doesn't cooperate. Or if he keeps bratting off i add. Can you stop talking to me like I'm not right here. Mmmm fine I say me or sero. Uhhhhhh neither he says looking away rolling his eyes. You know what sero I got this one. Alright dude I'll see you guys when your done. Alright. Aww can you say bye bye to sero. I say giving sero a smirk. Yeah say bye bye. He says going along with me. Bye dumbass Kat says rolling his eyes. Baby we don't use naughty words. Sero says looking at Kat then leaving with out a bye. I hate you guys when you use baby talk with me. Yeah we know that's why it's a good punishment don't lie we know you like spankings that's why you did all of this but I swear one more bratty comment or anything and you will get your least favorite punishment don't test me. Whatever be says blushing like crazy from my spanking comment. I sit on the edge of the bed pulling him over my lap. I pull down his pants letting him keep his underwear on. You ready. Just get it over with it. Okay and in less then a second I go down for the first spank. You've done this before what do you say. One he says which slight pain in his voice. I go down the second time. He yelps a little 2. I smirk at his yelp and go down again hitting a little harder. 3-3. He says stuttering. And again and again and again we repeat this process till we hit 10. I sit him up on my lap hugging him giving him comfort for about 10 minutes. You ready to go back down stairs I say. Mhm. He gets off my lap and walks down stairs he's mad at me now witch fair enough but he brought it on himself. I walk down stairs to see him sitting at the table. Next to sero. I go sit next to sero. Heyy I say. Hey sero says. Kat just looks at me and rolls his eyes. After about 2 minutes he gets up and walks to the common room and sees what everyone what's for dinner. We decide on ------ bakugou walks back to the kitchen area and starts cooking. I offer to help him he tells me to shut up and go away. He's on thin ice but I let it slide. I sit down. After about an hour its 7:30 and he done cooking. He reaches up for a cup but can't reach it. I go over to him and grab the (plastic) cup for him. I hand it to him and he looks at the cup then me and then takes the cup and throws it on the floor. Breaking eye contact with me he walks over to the corner and stands facing. I have had enough of him today, so I look at sero he nods his head and now having the full approval I walk over to Kat and pick him up. Now now buddy that wasn't very nice. Whatever he says already knowing what's happening and clearly annoyed about it. Come on let's get you that drink. You're lucky I'm thirsty or i would be killing someone right now. Baby we don't say stuff like that. Yeah whatever he says. I sit him on the counter and grab one of the cups we have that have a straw connected to it. Do you want apple juice or grape juice I ask. Mmmmm ughh apple juice he says pouting and rolling his eyes. Okay I say booping his nose. He wipes his nose like he was "wipeing it off." I get his apple juice handing it to him.

Kats pov-
Kiri and sero and eventually everyone else Is going to be treating me like a littiral child. Why because of some dumb punishment but it's does me I don't have to pour my own apple juice sooooo. But they only do this when I just keep bratting and bratting and won't let up. Mainly because it's the only  punishment that really works yeah timeouts are annoying but idc about them that much. And Yeah spankings hurt but I can take alot before it makes that big of a difference. Especially since they have been getting more frequent. So here we are. I drink my apple juice and then look at the food that was for dinner and kiri waiting for the question. Heyy baby since I know you probably don't like that since it's more big boy food do you want me to make you some Mac in cheese. I look at what we're having and honestly Mac in cheese doesn't sound to bad because what was for dinner wasn't to good like I would eat it but it's not too good. Mmmm yeah I want Mac in cheese. Wait what he looked at me shocked. What that's not very good I say pointing to dinner. Okay he says. As he's making Mac in cheese he looks at sero and they do that thing where they talk with out talking. It creeps me out when they do it. When kirishma finishes the Mac in cheese seor leaves. Kirir then plates the Mac in cheese then carries me and the plate to the table. He gives me a fork and I start eating. when I'm done I look at kiri and hand him my plate. He looks at me confused and annoyed. If your gonna treat me like a little kid I can't take my own plate. You know what your right he says looking at me. That's when sero walked in with a couple bags. He walks up the stairs to the dorms with them. What's that mean I ask. I mean you're right you can't take your own plate. You can't walk he says picking him up. Speaking of witch we need to get you to bed it's 8. I go to be at 8:30 now and you know it I say death staring him. Noo you need the 30 minutes of extra sleep little guy. Come on he says carrying me to my dorm where sero was. I think we need to help change you to. No that won't be necessary. I think it will be sero says. He grabs some stuff out of the bags. Kiri walks over to my bed and lays me down on it. He takes off my shirt. Heyyy I yell. He takes off my pants pants underwear to. Heyyyyy I can change myself. Aww you think your such a big boy don't you Kiri says.  Sero hands him and pull up. I don't need that. But baby you do sero says. Noooo I say very annoyed right now. Kirir slips the pull up on me anyway he then puts me in one of seros oversized hoodies. Are you done now I say blushing from embarrassment. Yeah where done sero says picking me up. Kiri moves the covers and then sero lays me back down. Kiri and sero both tuck me in. They go to leave but I ask them to stay because well idk but I did because why not. They lay down after turning of the lights. Before I drift off to sleep kirir whispers if I'm not a brat tomorrow they won't have to do this again.

🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄ummmm yeah well I feel like this took forever to get out but it's done now also I don't know their name but someone commented in all of my stories and it motivated me to keep writing this. So thank you to that person.

Have a great day. Give me ideas in the comments if you want. Ummm yeah bye peoples.
Also this is not prove read so uhh sorry

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