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🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄Warning this story does contain bullying and like 2 curse words I think  🤔

In this story bakugou gets bullied because of him being a hot head. Basically the bullying got to him like really badly got to him for some reason he didn't understand why but he just completely shut down because of the bullying.

Hey loser says some random dude. What the hellll- ohh it's you. What not gonna yell and throw and tantrum like a 5 year old this time. No I'm not. Awww glad to see you finally calmed down enough to come to your sinces whatever Can you just leave me alone. What like you left midoryia alone in middle school ohh wait that right you didn't. H-how the hell do you know about that. I have my ways bye bye now. Wait. He walks away anyway.

Kats pov-
if you couldn't tell that's not the first time me and him have exchanged words it happens alot actually usually everyday. It's usually just a mix between him bullying me for apparently being a big baby and throwing tantrums and him bullying me for being mean and a hot head. Usually when someone starts bullying me I just ignore them or fight back and don't really pay any mind to it but for whatever reason when he does it it gets to me more than I describe I just want to break down crying right there every time he says anything and it's just keeps getting worse. It's been going on for almost 2 weeks now and I'm afraid that of it doesn't stop soon that I may actually cry infront of this random dude and I don't want that to happen. I just went to my dorm and fall asleep.

1 week later

Hey bakugou. Mmm aww no words this time. Did I finally break you. No. Come on ive heard story's on top of story's of even midoryia having more fight then that come on
say something back I dare. Just go away bakugou screams tearing please he adds letting his tears fall. Aww i see the baby's done with his tantrums it's just crying now.

After a few more words the dude leaves and bakugou is left there crying and feeling like he just broke on the inside.

Kats pov-
ughh no why did I cry infromt of him what is this I-i didn't want to do that. As I'm sitting there crying my heart out on the ground behind ua. I hear a voice hollor great just what I need right now.

i walk around ua to look and see what was going on because I got words that there was alot of yelling coming from here. When I look I see Bakugou. Ahh it was probably just him yelling at someone again I think but as I get closer I realize he crying. Hey kid are you okay I hollor. He just looks at me and runs away. Hey no come back and tell me what's wrong. He keeps running. Ughh I'll just stop by his dorm later. I definitely don't get payed enough for this at all. But like its bakugou I've never seen him cry and they said there was yelling was he being yelled at or was he the one doing the yelling guess ill find out later.

Kats pov-
when I turn around after hearing the yell I see aizawa and I did not want to talk to him right now about any of this so I just ran he yelled at me to stop I just didn't listen and ran all the way to my dorm ignoring the stairs I got from my classmates and everyone else once I made it to my dorm I throw my stuff down and lay on my bed. After about 2 hours of laying on my bed not sleeping but just laying there thinking I hear a knock on my dorm door. I get up and answer once I see that its aizawa I try and close the door but he moves his foot to stop the door from closing he opens my door back up all the way and says nice try and I mumble not nice enough. I stand there for a moment and just look at my feet because I know where this is going.

Aizawas pov-
i wait awhile before I eventually go to problem child's dorm and I knock on the door. He goes to close the door but I move my foot to where he can't close. I open his door back up and say nice try I hear him mumble not nice enough then look down at his feet. I choose to just ignore what he said and pretend I didn't hear it. Can I come in. Do you have to i hear him say barley above a whisper witch concerns me some because he's usually so much lounder. Yeah I kinda do because I am still your teacher I would like to know what has got my number one student crying behind the building. Fine he says and moves out of the so I can walk in. I walk in and he closes the door and walks over to his bed and sits down. You can sit next to me If you want he says barley over a whisper again. Okay I say and go sit next to him. So what was that all about. It was nothing. clearly it was something or you wouldn't have been crying. Well the nerd crys all the time so why don't you go see what that's all about. Yeah i know he cries all the time but you don't so whats wrong. Fine it's just this kid has been picking on me It was just that once I swear and I didn't even care. Well one I know just one encounter with a bully wouldn't make you cry also clearly you do care because if you didn't didn't you would've done something about it so don't lie to me I want the truth and nothing but but truth. He takes a deep breath in and breaths it out before saying fine. Hes been bullying me for about 3 weeks now and he's hurt me a couple times but nothing to serious and. Wait he hurts you. Yeah. I take a deep breath and then say countine. And for whatever reason when he says stuff like that it really gets to me and idk why. Idk either but what is he bullying you about your top of your class and you won the sports festival and your the top first year what is there to to bully you about and I going to say right now now I'm never nice to my students so I need you to stay quit about this because I can't lose my reputation. I hear him slightly chuckle and then he nods his head. Anyways you can countine I stay. He's bullying me for being a hot head and for throwing tantrums like a little kid and then when I started crying he told me I was just a big baby and that he was glad that I finally stopped throwing tantrums and that now all I needed to do was to stop my crying.

Kats pov-
after us talking about everything that he has done to me I break down and hug aizawa he hugs me back and let's me lay there intill I fall asleep.

Aizawas pov-
katsuki falls asleep in my arms but not before I get the name of the asshole that hurt him. I move him out of my arms and I notice a teddy bear (haha see what I did there) in the floor and i hand him it and he  immediately starts cuddling it. I let in aww slip from my mouth and then I walk out of his room to go deal with somethings.

Long story short aizawa gave the dude 2 months of detention and threatened him that if he ever did it again he would get kicked out of ua.

Aizawa also became like super overprotective of katsuki and everybody knows it so no one and I mean no on messes with him anymore.
🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄 this one is definitely kinda ruff around the edges I'm also not really sure if it makes since but whatever anyways bye bye now have a great day or night or idk but bye

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