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Bakugou is a little but he hasn’t told anyone yet. Although, Kirishma does suspect that Bakugou is a little. They live in the dorms and they’re in the middle of their 2nd year at UA Highschool. Kiri and Bakugou have been dating for 6 months.

Kat’s pov-
I had just woken up from a nap and wanted to go and see Eijiro.
I walked to his door which is 2 doors across the hall from mine.

Knock. Knock. When nobody answers, I decide to go and look for him downstairs. I walked into the common room, when I saw Kiri, Icy-hot, Dunce Face, Pinky, and the damn Nerd. I make sure to flip everyone off except for Kiri. Then head on my way to sit on Shitty-Hairs lap.

I walk over to him and sit down, on his lap; my legs cradling his sides; I turn to face him; smile; then cuddle into his chest.

Third person pov:
Kiri leaned into his boyfriends neck and whispered in Bakugous ear.

“That wasn’t very nice of you. We shouldn’t flip people off!”

Bakugous response was bold “What are you gonna do about it?” Kirishima’s answer was bolder “I’m going to put you in timeout, If you don’t say sorry!” “What am I, 5?” Katsuki scoffed. “You can’t put me in timeout!”

Bakugou was getting irritated by this point. Kirishima was only staring. “I don’t have to do shit!” Kiri had to remind himself to take a breath. He exhales sharply. “Now Kats, don’t make me put you in the corner.” He warns. “You wouldn’t dare.”

But Kiri did dare. He picked Bakugou up and carried him all the way to the corner, forcing Kat to face the wall. At this point Kat was a blushing mess.

Kiri’s pov-
“5 minutes.” “B-but-“ Kat tries to plead. “Wanna make it 10?” Kirishima added in a voice of warning. “N-no.”

“Then stay there.” “Mmm. Please don’t make me. Not in front of everyone.”
Katsuki pouted embarrassed. “Sorry, Kat. You’ve brought this upon yourself.” With that Kiri goes to sit back down on the couch, leaving Katsuki in the corner.

Kat’s pov-
“I could just walk away to my dorm.” No, then I’ll just be forced to stand here longer. With him by my side for the whole time too. That would be even more embarrassing. Ugh, I’m not a child, though! I shouldn’t have to be in stupid dumb timeout! I sometimes wish I were a child, though. Wait. No! Dont go there! I am not going to slip because of one stupid inconvenience!

5 minute time skip

Kiri’s pov-
I notice the 5 minutes are up. And I walk over to Kat and tap his shoulder.
He turns around with the cutest pout on his face. I finally pick him up and ask him “Are you ready to apologize or do you need 5 more minutes?”
“I’m ready to apowo-apawo-“ The boy irritably stutters “ughh, noo” he interrupts himself. “I’m ready to apawo-ughh say sorry.” At last, the little boy settles for a simpler sentence.
“Aww, Kitty Kat. It’s okay.” My heart almost melted. “But can you tell me why you need to apologize?” I remind myself it’s important. “Because flipping people off is mean and we shouldn’t be mean to our friends.” The boy mustered proudly, having learnt his lesson. “Good job, Kats.”

Third-person pov-
Kiri was carrying Kat back to the couch where the others had been seated for a while, entranced in a hero documentary on the TV. “Guys! Kat had something he would like to tell you, right Kat?” Attention was now on the two of them.“Mhm. Umm, I sorry that I flipped you guys off.”
“AWW, it’s okay bakugo-“ wait, no. Whoever was speaking stopped themselves to rephrase the sentence “It’s okay, bakubaby.” Much similar reactions followed among the teenagers who the apology was meant for. “Okay, well now. Me and this little dude are going upstairs to watch a movie.” He then turned to face the boy in question. “How does that sound?” Kiri asked Katsuki. “It sounds good Kiri.” “Good.” They said their good-byes and headed off up stairs.

(Just so this makes more sense: Kirishma had already explained to their classmates what little space was and how he thought Kat was showing symptoms of it. This precaution lead to nobody questioning how Bakugou was acting. And, like, he’s adorable, so ,like ,who would even question it?)

When Kiri and Bakugou got upstairs, Kiri walked into his dorm room and put Bakugou down on the bed.

Kiri’s pov-
“So, what do you wanna watch, Buddy?” “Ummmm, can we actuwawey (actually) watch not a movie?” “Yeah. Of course, what do you have in mind, Little Dude? "Kirishima answered with encouragement. “Umm I wannaed to watch Micky Mouse.” The boy chirps excitedly, but a second later adds on “Is that okay?” “Well, duh. Of course that’s okay!” “I  grabbed my laptop and then sat down on the bed, propping Bakugou in the middle of my lap. Placing the laptop in Bakugous lap. We turned on Mickey Mouse, as requested. After a while Bakugou fell asleep. I closed the laptop and sat it on my night stand in favor of cuddling with Kat until I too fell asleep.

This is my first story so I hope you like it. I personally like it especially now that it's been edited. Uhh anyways big thanks to OfficialEraser for helping me edit this your a littiral life saver. Anyways if you have an idea that you wanna see ket me know and I will try my best to make it. And also uhh have a great day byeeee

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