Chapter Fourteen

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Chloe's POV

"So you also like music?" "Yeah, I've been playing the piano and the cello for my whole life. I also tried to play the guitar but I guess I wasn't really good at it." Seriously? This was supposed to be "Chloe and Jo" time but instead it's "Jo and Brett having a conversation and leaving Chloe behind them" time. This really makes me angry at Brett. He almost made me fall for him and now? Urgh I really want to punch that face. "How about you, Brett? What instruments do you play?" "Let's just say I can play most instruments." "Wow! Really?" "Well, I'm still okay for playing the harp though." "Maybe next time we should hang out. I want to learn more from you..." Oh great. Now my childhood friend suddenly wants to hang out more with him. "Sure, no problem. Maybe we can hang out more at Chloe's house." I almost drop my frozen yogurt. What the hell? "Oh yeah, Chloe also loves music. We can all discuss music more and learn from each other." Just great. Just freaking great. "Umm, I want to go to the toilet. Be right back." Jo gives his cup to me and he rushes to the toilet. I turn my face from Jo and give a glare at Brett who's giving me a big smile, or should I say, devil smile. "Hang out? At my house?" "What? I can't do that?" "Your house is next to mine!" "Well, you have more instruments than me." "You're the one that he asks to hang out!" "Well, he's your friend and I don't really know him. It will be kinda awkward if it's only me and him hanging out." That's it. "Urgh! This was supposed to be me and Jo time! Why the hell you were also here at the first place!" He gives a stare blank at me. "What?" "You're mad at me?" What the... "SERIOUSLY, WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR BRAIN! HELLA YEAH I'M MAD!" "You wanna know why I'm here?" "Of course!" "I followed you." "What?" "Yes, I followed you. I also keep talking to that Jo guy to keep him away from you." "And why do you have to do that? He's my childhood friend." He runs his hands through his hair, let out a despression sigh. "Wait..." I'm trying not to believe it but I just want to make sure. "You're not... jealous, aren't you?" He looks at me and he lets out a heavy breathe. "You finally get it." I feel like my eyes are going to pop out and I will be like those kind of ghost where I have no eyes. "Why would you have to be..." "Hey guys, sorry for keeping you waiting." Just right before I finish my sentence, Jo appears. "I'll take that, thank you." He takes his cup and eats his froyo again. "So, where are we?" He continues to walk with Brett, leaving me behind again. Is he really being serious?

Jo's POV (at the toilet)

What is actually the relation between Chloe and Brett? Why is this funny feeling coming again to me? No, I can't let this happen to me. I just lost my girlfriend and now I already feel like I have feelings to someone else. No no, this can't be right. I can't let this happen to me. It will totally upset everyone, including Chloe. Unless everything can turn to something beautiful.

I just don't want to let anyone knows how I feel right now.

At least, not yet...



i am such a bad author

i am so sorry

i feel like i let anyone down...

I was on a family vacation and the connection was unstable. Even when I got home, the wifi also unstable. How I love my internet :) *pardon my sarcasm*

Anyway, yes I know this is a short update but this chapter is the first part of their trip to the mall.

And... I include Jo's POV! Fyi, Jo's name is actually Jordan Phillips. I'm still trying to find the image for Jo so hopely you will see him soon :)

I include Mandy Jiroux's My Forever because I've been listening it for a while and I'm addicted hahaha. In case if you don't know who Mandy Jiroux is, she makes dance tutorial videos on YouTube (which for me she is a really amazing dancer). Just search for her name if you want to know more about her.

Also, the next chapter will still include this song but in a different way. That's the only spoiler I can give.

So what do you think Jo is actually really thinking about? Also, what do you think about Brett finally said he's jealous? I just love to make a bad boy jealous hahahahaha.

Thank you for reading this update! Feel free to comment and vote :D

Mr. Bad Boy and I (ChloeBrett Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ