Chapter Thirteen

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Brett's POV

"One medium-sized frozen yogurt please! Umm, do you also want medium-sized, Chloe?" "Me? Medium-sized? Never! The large one please, thank you." Sheez... Just looking at them makes me really furious. Who's that guy actually? I never see him before. He doesn't even look like the Bennet's family. "Hahahahaha you and your big tummy. I'm surprised you're not even close to fat. You're way too close with the word skinny you now." "Probably because I'm one of those people who cannot get fat even though I eat like a hungry elephant." I can hear both of them laugh and walk away. I must try not to look visible to them, yet.

Chloe's POV

"So, how long are you going to stay?" "I don't know. Probably just for a couple of weeks and then, I'm off to Europe." "Europe? Why are you going there?" "Well, my parents want me to study in Europe. Besides, I've been dreaming to be in Italy, France, and Germany for a long time." "Yeah, you and your dreams." Jo has been my best friend for a long time. He is this sweet guy who totally cares about the ones he love. I'm very lucky to have him in my life. I probably should introduce him to Lizzie. They're both nice and have a warm personality. "So," Jo and I sit on a bench near the mall's fountain. "Do you have any boyfriend?" I almost spill my yogurt from my mouth. I look at him immediately. "I'm still perfectly single. What about you? I thought you have a girlfriend." "Well, life goes on. We're going on our separate ways. No big deal." "Ohh... Sorry to hear that..." "Naaah don't be. Guess it was never ours to begin with." I just nod and continue enjoying my frozen yogurt. "You know, sometimes I wish that I can just be in a whole new place. Where no one knows me and I can start a whole new life. Probably I can even change my personal info like my name." Jo takes a deep breathe and closes his eyes. "What's on your mind?" I ask him. He still closes his eyes but he smiles. "I personally don't know. Sometimes I just want to be someone else." "You're having a rough time, aren't you?" He laughs but I know it's a fake laugh. "It sucks being in a relationship where you're in this 'Romeo and Juliet' situation." "What do you mean?" "Nina, my ex, is the daughter of my parents' enemy. By enemy, they don't get along with each other in everything. My mom used to dated Nina's dad back at their college years. Then they broke up. Nina's dad was so upset and he tried to win my mom's heart again. Little did he know, my mom already dated my dad few weeks after my mom broke up with Nina's dad. Guess what? My dad was secretly Nina's dad's personal enemy. He has been hated my dad for God knows how long. So yeah, when we both finally found out the truth, our parents separated us away. Nina and her family moved to Vietnam but on their way, they all didn't make it." "Don't say..." "Yup, the funeral was exactly a week ago. That's why I come here. I want to escape from that memory for a while." I move close to him and rub his cheek. "Sorry to hear that." We both look at each other for a long time but then I can hear somebody clears their throat. "Oh wow, what a coincidence!" Damn... Don't say... I turn around and the devil is smiling. "What are you doing here?" "Me? I just want to window shopping and walk around. You have any problem with that?" I glare at him. "So, I see you're not alone." I really want to punch his face right now. "Oh yeah, I'm Jo." "Brett." They both shake their hands. Seriously, what does he have to be here? "So, are you and Chloe..." "Oh no, I'm just her best friend." "Yeah, we've been friends since we were a child." I give Brett a glare once again and he seems like he's enjoying it. "What about you, Brett? Are you one of Chloe's friend?" I look at Jo and try to say something but the devil already speaks. "Something like that. Maybe even more. We still trying to figure it out." Did he just say 'we still trying to figure it out'?? For freaking sake, he's my teacher! What the hell! "Ohh well then, that means you can join us. You know, the more the better." Jo, if only you know the truth... "Ohh of course. I would love to join you guys." Brett gives a blink to me. I really want to puke on his face. Literally.


New update everybody!!! Hahahahahahaha. Sorry for not updating for a quite a while T_T

Yeah, Brett is such a jealousy protective bad boy though. Too bad he doesn't want to admit it hahahaha.

I include Hailee Steinfeld's version of Flashlight because I've been obsessed with it.

I know this is super late but can we just talk about Agents of Shield's Season 2 Finale??? I hated Jiaying since they showed that Jiaying is actually the bad one. For me, she's a crazy pyscho -_- She doesn't even afraid to kill Skye aka her own daughter! Well good thing she died.


THAT MEANS SKYEWARD IS COMING BACK! Well, there's a chance for it even though it seems like it's impossible but who knows? The fact that Ward is the new big daddy for Season 3 though.

It's just so sad that they have to erase Skye's dad's memory... And when Fitz finally asked Simmons but then Simmons was... Urggggh I'm still so mad at that part!! Seriously -____-

Anyway, I don't know if I will update soon because I have my final exam on Monday (which will be tomorrow here). I'll try to update when I'm on my break.

Hope you like this new update and thank you for reading! Feel free to comment and vote :3

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