•~ Angel trouble ~•

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{ Mui POV }
My feet's are hitting the muddy ground. I can't fly since my wings still hurt a lot from the fall of earlier. The smell of smoke and alcohol is quite strong now, I'm getting closer to the ones I'm looking for.
"Sanemi! Tomioka!"
"Nemi- Muichiro!"
I look beside me to see Sanemi waving his arms at me, Tomioka also doing so. I run to them in a hurry and pull the two lovers into a hug.
"Nemi- Why did you leave...?"
"I had no choice.. But I escaped with my brother."
"Nemi- I want to see Genya."
"Then let's go."
I take both of their hands and teleport to the hospital. Sanemi immediately runs into Genya's room, followed by Tomioka. I start walking towards Yui but I suddenly get caught in chains. I look behind my shoulder to see an angel hunter. Stupid god, he sent one of his hunter to get me back.
"?- Don't move or I'll actually take him to god."
"Yui- What..?"
"?- I'm just here to test something.. Bye bye~..."
I try reaching for Yuichiro but the chains start dragging me into a portal.
My last body part gets through the yellow portal, making me enter a strange dimension. Everything is yellow or white. "What is this place?" I wonder before facing the angel hunter.
"Why am I here?!"
"?- No need to shout.. You know why."
"I have no idea!"
"?- I'm here to make a sacrifice."
"?- You love that Mohawk guy, yes?"
"What did you do to him.?"
"?- Nothing. If you want to stay on earth with your little sun, you'll have to do a sacrifice."
"What kind?"
A black circle forms under my feet and some black smoke comes out of it. I try getting out but it's like I'm stuck in a barrier. The smoke being what's stopping me from leaving. I pound in it, hoping to get out of there. Black letters start to appear on my legs and arms, angel writing. I know what this is.. He's taking my powers!
"?- Oh yes I can."
I keep pounding on the invisible wall, starting to feel weak. The smoke coming from me is white, that's my powers. I use all my strength but it doesn't do anything. I feel myself getting smaller and weaker by the seconds.
"Stop.. I need those.."
I collapse on my knees, weakly hitting the invisible wall. The smoke goes away and chains start dragging me somewhere again. I desperately try to reach for him but Im suddenly brought to earth again. Everything is so loud and clear unlike the other times. The colours are bright but my vision is all blurred. I feel two hands on my back and immediately try getting away. The arms wrap up against my torso.
"Let me go!"
"Yui- Mui calm down.!"
I try kicking Yuichiro away into I realize he's not a threat. My eyes widen once I realize once more that we are out of the hospital, in a forest. I start tearing up from stress, knowing my powers are not with me anymore.
"Yui- Oh god.. No.."
{ Tanjiro POV :0 }
After Mui and his twin left the room, Genya started crying. Soon enough, his older brother and Tomioka arrived and started talking to him. I heard commotion coming from outside the room and when I peeked out, Yuichiro was raging after a portal. I tried to reach him and the yellow circle but a high pressure suddenly came and Muichiro got thrown out of the hospital. Yuichiro quickly followed as I was staring at the broken wall. Away, J can see Muichiro trying to attack his twin but suddenly started to cry. I decide to let them have privacy and walk back in Genya's room.
"Mister Tomioka why are you here?"
"Giyuu- Oh I'm Sanemi's boyfriend."
"Really???? That's so cool!"
"Genya- What was all the commotion about?"
"Ahh uh.. Twin angel's problems."
"Genya- Twins? Angels?"
"Nemi- Yeah uh.. Mui and his twin got back on earth.."
"Genya- Where's Mui then??"
"Outside crying."
I then explain how he got yeeted from a portal and don't spare any details.
[ Time skip :D ]
As Genya cries into Muichiro's shoulder, the angel's twin is glaring at the Mohawk boy. Tomioka and Sanemi are snuggling into each other's but I'll ignore it.
"Genya- I thought you were gone forever.!"
"Mui- I'm sorry.."
"If you two don't mind, my mother needs me."
"Genya- It's fine.."
By his words, I turn away and start leaving the hospital.
{ Genya POV }
My tears finally stop pouring down my cheeks as Muichiro sits on the bed. His twin is glaring at me, what's wrong with him?
"?- Mui, you know the rules."
"Mui- The rules?"
"?- You have three days to marry him or else.."
"Mui- Ahh.. Yeah."
Muichiro thinks for a moment before getting on one knee and pulls out a red box. My heart starts beating fast in my chest.
"Mui- Genya.. Will you marry me?"
"We aren't even dating yet.."
"Mui- Pretend we are."
"O-Okay.. Uh.. Yes?"
"Mui- YIPPEEE!!"
Muichiro opens the small box to pull out a beautiful emerald ring. He places it on my finger and when I look at my brother, HES MAKING OUT.
By that, Sanemi starts dragging Tomioka away.
"Giyuu- Can I be top at home??"
"Giyuu- I'll take that as a yes!"
I chuckle before turning my attention to Muichiro and his twin.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~
Authors words; I know this chapter is small but next one might be even smaller. The next chapter will also be the last since it's basically just Tomioka and Sanemi  getting married ( I live for SaneGiyuu ). There will maybe also have some ObaMitsu in it but I'm not sure. Apologies in advance if there isn't.

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