The pendant

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The book contains mention of blood, maybe drugs and alcohol too. If you don't feel okay with those, please do not read further. Also, SH warning for this chapter.

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"Shit I'm going to be late!" I think out loud while running on the sidewalk. I haven't even ate breakfast since I woke up late. I arrive at a streetlight and look beside me to see a blind woman. I take her by the hand and help her cross the streets.
"?-Thank you kind soul... Here, take this as a thank you."
The old woman hands me a black-chained pendant with an empty vial in the middle. I place it around my neck, the chains actually being pleasant to wear around it.
"?- If you ever feel like you need a guardian, fill the vial with your blood.."
"T..Thank you.? I have to go now-!"
I run back towards the school, thinking about what she said. Maybe old people really are delusional. I run into the school, everyone's head turning towards me. I find my locker, fill it with my backpack and take my school bag for art class. I then reach room 1467, enter the room and take a seat. I look around and then turn to the teacher who stares at me. She has pink hair with green tips, her eyes as green as grass. She's wearing a pink uniform instead of a grey one like everyone else.
"Where's everyone?"
"Teacher- Kid, class starts in a hour.."
"So.. I encountered a delusional woman... For NOTHING?"
"Teacher- Ah, that happens to people who just arrived in the city..You're Genya right?"
"Yep, Genya Shinazugawa, the younger brother of Sanemi Shinazugawa."
"Teacher- Sanemi? The one who owns a villa, a mansion, a private boat and a castle?!"
"Yeah, that's my big brother.."
"Teacher- In which house do you live in??"
"I live in the mansion, I practically own it as well."
"Teacher- Kyaa! You're already my favourite!! I'm Mitsuri Kanroji!"
"You already know my name.."
An other teacher walks in. The first thing I notice is his mask that covers his mouth and the snake that's around his neck.
"?- Kanroji, I came to give you this.."
"Mitsuri- Kyaaa Iguro-San!!!"
"Iguro- Just take it.."
The teacher hands Kanroji a box in a shape of a heart. The woman opens it to show tons of chocolates.
"Mitsuri- Kyaa!! You shouldn't have!!"
"Iguro- How about.. I take you to dinner after school?"
"Mitsuri- Really?! You can pick me here after school then!!"
The teacher says while wiggle her upper body as the man is blushing like crazy.
"Am I.. Interrupting a moment..?"
"Mitsuri- Don't worry, you're not!"
Iguro stares at me menacingly. He then excused himself and leave the classroom.
[ Time skip ]
The sky is grey, meaning it's about to rain heavily. "When is Aniki going to arrive?" I ask myself as I look around. Unlike other times, a white car shows up in front of me and the black tinted windows go down.
"Nemi- Sorry bro, went to the ice cream shop."

{ Sanemi's car }I hop in the car and buckle up myself

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{ Sanemi's car }
I hop in the car and buckle up myself. Nemi then handles me a small cup of vanilla ice cream with blue liquid on top and a spoon. I start eating the ice cream while Nemi drives us home. Some minutes after starting to drive, rain start to pour in the city. We close the windows and activate the wipers.
[ Time skip ]
I get out of the car and turn to Nemi.
"Nemi- I'm sorry I can't stay, I got a performance tonight.."
"It's fine bro, I'll make you food for when you come home."
"Nemi- Thank you GenGen, take care!"
By those words, the man closes the window and drives off. I open the garage door and enter the mansion. I put my backpack on a chair and put my shoes in the wardrobe. I then run up to my room while plugging earphones into my ears. Then, I remember the words the delusional woman said earlier. I think for a moment before heading to the bathroom and pulling a box cutter. I lift my right sleeve and stab my wrist aggressively. I then slide the cutter down the arm then I repeat the same wound 3 other times. I open the empty vial from the pendant I got and make the blood drip down in the tiny jar. I then close it and wash the blood from my arm before leaving the bathroom and going back to my room. I lay on the bed and open my sketchbook, starting to draw a woman stabbing someone with a machete. The music "vampire empire" plays in my headphones, making me draw the blood even better since the music fits the drawing.
[ Time skip again 😭 ]
I finally finish the sketch and put the sketchbook down. I look at the clock and then stand up. I remove my shirt and plug my phone before heading to the bathroom and brushing my teeth's. I look down at the bloody mess I made earlier and sigh. "I'll have to clean it.. Meh, I'll do it tomorrow." I think to myself then walk towards my room and going to sleep.

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I'm sorry, I know I have another book going on but I just can't focus on only one book for too much time. Please forgive me 🙏😭
-896 words

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