~ A disease ~

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{ No one POV }
Inside a huge chunk of white balls of cotton, angels were being carried where they belonged. But first they had to go through brainwashing, a process to erase their memories on earth. Muichiro was sitting on a conveyer, holding a small statue of a Japanese fox; a beautiful kitsune statue made by Ume Shabana, one of the police in kimetsu academy. His wings were dragging on the conveyer, feathers falling down and flying in the sky. Unlike normally, his eyes were empty; Muichiro was sad. His feet's are dangling down the platform he's on; like some part of his wings. He looks at a different conveyer that leads souls into recantation and pouts. He grips onto the fox figures and then he remembers; Angels have their own heart and heads. He gathers his courage, getting ready to jump.
"Mui- I'm sorry Nii-San.."
The angel jumps down onto the conveyer, pushing a soul off by accident.
Says a loud voice; it was the guards. Their jobs is to stop any angels to go on earth without god's permission. Muichiro runs towards the exit, making it collapse. And just like that, the angel jump down back to earth, slowly falling down. He's falling, fire going around him because of how fast he's going. His wings are slowly burning away and his clothes too. As Muichiro opens his eyes, he sees his twin brother, falling down earth with him. They grab each other's soft hand and fall down like a meteorite.
{ Muichiro POV + Time skip }
I wake up, feeling strange; my body is numb and I'm feeling faint. I sit up and look at my twin brother Yuichiro sleeping soundly beside me. I look around and gasp before standing up.

{ Muichiro and Yuichiro are in the middle of that big brown hole }Did we do that while falling? There's dirt and rock everywhere; it's like a huge meteor fell down

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{ Muichiro and Yuichiro are in the middle of that big brown hole }
Did we do that while falling? There's dirt and rock everywhere; it's like a huge meteor fell down. Yuichiro wakes up and I immediately start dragging him towards the town. I keep a strong grip on the fox statue, it has a meaning to me.
"Yui- Why did you need to go back here Mui? Now because of you were are fallen angels!"
"I found my sun Yui.."
The boy starts tearing up, tears of joy.
"Yui- My brother has grown up to fast!"
I hide my wings, Yuichiro mimicking my movements. We walk into town, running so that no one has the time to see us. I run towards Genya's house and get inside like it's my own.
"Genya! Sanemi! Tomioka?! Is anyone here?!"
Nii-san uses his ability then shakes his head; he don't see anyone.
"Yui- There's no one here.."
I immediately teleport to Tomioka's home but once again, no one's there. I start panicking until an intuition gets into my mind. I teleport to the hospital and am greeted with a lot of people running around. I look around the place until my eyes meet Tanjiro's. He stares at me before making a step forward. He then runs up to me and hug my body tightly.
"Tanjiro- Please tell me you still have those powers.!"
"I do- Why..?"
"Tanjiro- Genya's in a coma and-and- He like have some di-disease that is very uh- Dangerous- Yeah and Sanemi go-got dragged away.!"
"Calm down! Bring me to him!"
Tanjiro drags me to a room and my heart drop once I see Genya in a hospital bed, sleeping. I run to its side and tremble slightly.
"When did he pass out?"
"Tanjiro- When you first left.."
"God damnit..."
"Yui- That's a hard one to heal.."
"What do you mean?"
"Yui- I know what he has and it's hard to heal."
"Tanjiro- Oh god.. I'm going to faint.."
I look back and immediately hold Tanjiro close; making sure to support all of his weight.
"It's normal Tanjiro.. You're stressing out..."
"Yuichiro- I can concoct something to heal him.. You make sure Tanjiro doesn't faint."
"Why is it important he doesn't..?"
"Yui- I'm the expert. Just listen to me."
"Alright.. You heard him Tanjiro."
"Tanjiro- Loud and clear."
We sit down on the floor as I keep a hand on Tanjiro's "heart". He takes his hear phones and starts listening to music. I look towards Yuichiro who is preparing some remedy. He's placing weird herbs and strange flowers alongside it. { Bro's a witch 😭 } Once he's done, he gives it to Genya. Soon enough, Yuichiro tells me to make Tanjiro stand up and I do so.
"Tanjiro- What do I have to do?"
"Yui- Comfort him the best you can.."
As Genya wake up, me and Nii-san stay away a bit. Tanjiro starts to comfort the angel as I open Genya's phone and call Sanemi.
"Genya- Where am I.?"
"Tanjiro- You're in the hospital.. You fainted yesterday and got into a coma."
Why isn't Sanemi answering?
"Nemi- Genya.!"
"It's Mui..."
I say, walking out the room followed by Yuichiro. Arrived outside the room, I continue the call.
"Where are you? I'll come and get you."
"Nemi- Yeah Uhm.. I'm lost.. In some cave.."
"What the hell."
"Nemi- I must've come here while drunk.."
"Is Tomioka with you?"
"Nemi- Uh.. He went outside to try and find where we are."
"Then go out and tell him to make a fire."
"Nemi- Understood."
I turn to Yuichiro and hand him my fox figure.
"Stay here, I'll find them."
"Yui- Be careful."
"I will, don't worry."
By that, I teleport on the rooftop of the school I was in not much time before now. I look around trying to see smoke. Luckily, I smell the smoke and alcohol odour, knowing it's Sanemi and Giyuu.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~
Authors words; hello dear reader, as you already know, this book will soon be completed. I already have a few Genmui ideas for my next book but I need help choosing which one I will write. The ideas are;
-The bunny from my dreams
-The guy from the other kingdom
-The runaway
Feel free to write in the comments which one interests you the most and after I'm done with the book, I'll come back here to see which one is the most wanted.

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