~A picnic~

74 4 4

{...} Means I'm speaking!!
"Something" means it's the loudspeaker.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~
I wake up and see it's 10:45. I'm late for school... I stand up, put my uniform on, followed by Muichiro. I slide down the stairs and run to the entrance. After putting my second pair of shoes, I run outside with my backpack.
"Come on Muichiro! We have a school to attend!"
"Mui- Coming!"
Hey, he finally became all happy again. Maybe he was upset about something I had said..
[ At Genya's locker ]
I place my backpack down and change into the new uniform they gave me for physical education. It wasn't something weird, just had to change shoes since the teacher is my Brother's boyfriend. That's really dumb.
"What's my complete schedule Mui?"
"Mui- Physical education, math, history and art!"
"Thank you Muichiro!"
I then grab his hand and sprint to the gymnasium, bumping into students along the way. I barge into the gym, face planting after loosing my balance.
"Giyuu- Hey Genya. Good morning."
"Good morning Tomioka!"
"Mui- Ohayogozaimasu!"
"Giyuu- Ahh, the cheery Mui is back!"
"Yep, I'm happy about that!"
"Mui- What are we playing today??"
"Giyuu- Dodgeball!"
"Mui- I get to throw balls?"
"You do, is that okay?"
"Mui- Yuichiro always says I can't get close to balls."
"Why and who is Yuichiro?"
"Mui- He's my twin brother and he says I throw them too hard.."
"Giyuu- Since you're an Angel, I'll ask you to not kill someone by throwing a ball please.."
"Mui- Don't worry! I'll be careful!"
Soon enough, Tanjiro enters the gymnasium and walks to us.
"Tanjiro- Genya, Mui! Good morning!"
"Good morning!"
"Mui- Ohayogozaimasu!"
"Tanjiro- Woah, someone's energetic today!"
"He is, it's funny!"
"Tanjiro- What game are we playing?"
"Tanjiro- Woah! Could me and Nezuko team with you two?"
"Sure, since it has to be teams of 4!"
"Tanjiro- Yay!"
"Mui- Talking about Nezuko, there she is!"
I look towards the door to see Tanjiro's younger sister coming. She immediately hug her brother then me and Muichiro.
"Nezuko- I'm really happy to see you here Genya, Mui!"
"Thank you Nezuko!"
[ During dodgeball ]
For the first time in 3 minutes, Muichiro finally succeeds in getting a ball. He immediately throws it at the corner of on my left, making it touch a person from that team. We're all in a defensive stance except for the angel. As a ball gets near to touching me, Muichiro catches it and throws it back, touching the one who threw it in the first place. Then, everyone starts targeting him again. Luckily, Muichiro does what I called the "drop-catch" technique. It consists in catching a ball and when a second pall comes your way, you drop the one you're holding and catch the other one. Technically, it's just something like "drop catch throw, drop catch throw" and it's an infinite process. { Bro is the kind of guy who gives tips all the time 😭 }
As I snap out of my thoughts, Tanjiro is praising Mui.
"Tanjiro- You were amazing Muichiro-Kun! You have to teach me all your manners!"
"Mui- Of course! I can do that during lunch!"
"Tanjiro- Thank you Muichiro!"
I look around to see everyone has been beaten. Even Tomioka looks surprised which is something that rarely happens.
"Damn, the game's already over.."
"Giyuu- You know what, free period because Muichiro has beaten your asses!"
Then, the teacher sits down as everyone start doing chaos in the gym. They're throwing balls, climbing, some of them are making bases with blue school mattresses. My class is pure chaos.. Tomioka sends me a message and I read it.

"You and your friends can get out of here, I'll advise the security."

I show it to the others and we leave the gym, making sure no one sees us. That's when we bump into a man with black hair and blue eyes, he looks like Tomioka except his hair is a lot shorter and he's out height.
"?- Mind explaining why you're not in class?"
"Tanjiro- Hakuji, the teacher said we could!"
"Hakuji- Is that so? Where are the proofs?"
I show him my phone and he sighs.
"Hakuji- Why is Tomioka in your contacts..?"
"Mister Tomioka is dating my older brother Sanemi Shinazugawa!"
"Hakuji- Alright, bye."
He then gives me a hall pass then leaves into the corridors. A bit far away, a tall blonde joins him, it's the French teacher Doma. That teacher has a Muichiro-like personality, just louder.
I walk to my locker followed by Tanjiro and Nezuko until...
"Shinazugawa Genya is required in the principals office, I repeat, Shinazugawa Genya is required in the principals office."
Says a boy in the loudspeaker. Tanjiro and Nezuko look stressed all of a sudden.
"What's wrong you two?"
"Tanjiro- You will meet principal Otokawa!"
"Tanjiro- No one ever saw her! Some say she's an evil principal.."
"I'll be fine, don't worry."
I grab my math stuff, give the siblings my hall pass and leave towards the principals office. I'm extremely nervous, what if she really is evil?
[ With the director ]
I stare at the beautiful woman in front of me. She has pretty black hair and pink eyes. She looks very similar to that secretary. If so remember what Doma said during a class, her name is Nakime Otokawa.
"Good morning miss Nakime.."
"Nakime- Good morning indeed.."
"Did I do anything wrong to be here..?"
"Nakime- No, you don't have to worry.. We are here to talk about your grades.."
"Nakime- Your grades are higher than students that are here since last year.. Yet.. You've been here for barely a week."
The woman has a really gentle voice. She takes a box from a bag and hands it to me.
"Nakime- I asked the officers and teachers to place one thing in the box. It's a gift for your efforts."
"Woah! Thank you Nakime!"
"Nakime- It's no problem. After all, such efforts should not be unnoticed."
"Mui- Do I get a gift too???"
Muichiro asks excitedly. The pink-eyed woman takes out a small fox figure made of wood and painted with care and gentleness.
"My girlfriend Ume has seen you a lot and made this just for you.."
"Mui- A fox?!?! I LOVE foxes!!"
The angel says while reaching for the statue. As Nakime hands it to him, I see her chuckle quietly. I notice tears in her eyes and a glimpse of happiness.
"Are you okay?"
"Nakime- It's just that.. He reminds me of my son.. That died a while ago.."
"Oh- Oh my- My apologies.!"
"Nakime- Don't worry.. Now go, I'll tell Rengoku to give you a non-work class day.."
"Thank you again Nakime-San! Have a great day!"
By those words, I leave for math class with my math stuff.
[ In math ]
As I'm waiting for Mr.Kyojuro to come with my PC, Muichiro is doing Tanjiro's math. I peek over his shoulder and immediately become confused. In this school, everyone goes by their own rhythm. Tanjiro is 14 chapters ahead of me.. What he's doing is something VERY confusing.

❤️x❤️x❤️= 27
❤️✒️+ ❤️✒️= 10
❤️✒️✒️+❤️✂️= 44
❤️✒️+❤️+❤️✒️✂️✂️= 45

❤️= ?
✒️= ?
✂️= ?

What the hell is this? How can Muichiro even do such things? Kyojuro puts the computer in front of me and I start doing researches on guardian angels. Then, I turn to Muichiro.
"Mui, I have a question.."
"Mui- go ahead!"
The boy replies while finishing the 23rd page today.
"Is your actual name Muichiro?"
"Mui- Yeah why?"
"Oh I was reading about guardian angel-"
The angel closes my computer then looks away.
"Why did you do that..?"
"Mui- What it says is fake.."
"Oh.. Alright..?"
I notice Muichiro is already back to doing math so I just take a quick nap.
[ A nap after ]
I open my eyes to see I'm at the infirmary. Why am I here?
"Mui- Genya!"
"Mui! What am I doing here?"
"Mui- You fell asleep in math and when I tried waking you up, you slapped me."
"Oh god! I'm sorry!"
"Mui- It's fine, I understood and brought you here so you could rest peacefully."
"Thank you.."
I yawn before sitting up.
"What time is it?"
"Mui- School ended 45 minutes ago if it helps!"
"WHAT. My brother will kill me!"
"Mui- I'll protect you-"
"It's a joke Muichiro."
"Mui- Ohhh!"
"Hey, how about we go picnic in an empty field? There's one right over there!"
I look out to show him the empty field.
"Mui- Okay!"
We then get to town to buy food and a picnic thing.
[ In the field ]
We place the small blanket we bought along the picnic baskets filled with food. We sit down facing each other and start making ourselves meals. Muichiro takes a pizza out of its box and heat it with his powers. He then place it back in the box and we take parts.
"So Muichiro, what was life like in heaven?"
"Mui- Ah, it gets boring after some time but it's still fun and pretty there!"
"I see, what do you do for run there?"
"Mui- I fly through the landscapes!"
"That's an... Interesting way to have fun.."
"Mui- Oh come on!"
"I'm not judging!"
"Mui- I know.."
As the day goes by, the sun starts to set and soon enough, it's midnight.
"We should go home!"
I stand up and turn towards home but as I turn around, Muichiro is staring in a different direction.
"Mui- Genya.. There's something I haven't told you.."
"What is it?"
"Mui- Us guardians are here to protect.. For a limited amount of time.."
"So you're saying that..."
"Mui- I have to go Genya.."
"But.. What about what we did together.?!"
"Mui- I can't do anything about that.. Neither can you.."
"I don't want you to leave.! I.. I love you.."
"Mui- Genya.. Promise me.. You'll always remember who I am.."
"If you do the same!"
"Mui- That won't be possible. My memory will be erased shortly after I leave.."
"No.! It's not fair.!"
His body starts to crumble away in crumbs.
"Mui- I'm sorry Genya..."
I run to him just before I could reach his hand, he completely disappears. Tears well up in my eyes as I stare at the moon.
{ No one POV }
After the angel disappeared, Genya started running back home. But not even halfway there, he collapses on the sidewalk sobbing uncontrollably. The door of the house he was in front opens and...
{ Genya POV }
As I sob on the sidewalk, a familiar voice sound in my ears.
"Tanjiro- Genya oh my god.!"
The kind boy runs to my side and hug me tightly. I start sobbing in his shoulder, grasping his shirt while doing so.
"Muichiro is gone.. He's gone.."
"Tanjiro- What do you mean..?"
"He had to leave.. He's gone..."
The boy easily carries me inside his home; onto his couch. He then takes a ready cup of tea and gives it to me. I start drinking it while still sobbing.
"Tanjiro- Why did he have to go..?"
I explain to Tanjiro everything and he tears up. He hugs me tightly and we both start sobbing.
"It's not fair.."
I get a call from my phone and answers the phone.
"Muichiro is gone.."
"I'm with Tanjiro.. A friend of mine.. He found me on the sidewalk..."
"Nemi- Thank GOD."
I feel my phone shaking in my hands.
"Tanjiro- Genya..?"
{ Tanjiro POV }
Genya was becoming pale and started shaking vigorously. Sadly, he faints and I catch him just in time.
I shake him, trying to get a response but it doesn't work.
I shake him even harder; his hair getting messy. Nezuko comes downstairs and immediately calls 9-1-1.
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~
I feel evil 😈

~My guardian angel~Where stories live. Discover now