83 4 4

-Mention of blood and sex
I wake up, happy that I got a little bit of rest. I look beside me only to see Mui's not in bed. He's not in the room either now that I look around. I stand up, brush my hair with my hands and run downstairs. There, I see Muichiro making himself a cereal bowl.
"Good morning Mui."
"Mui- Good morning!"
He smiles at me before pouring the milk in his bowl. He didn't know anything about the human world and yet, he's making himself breakfast. He takes the finished bowl and hands it to me.
"Mui- I didn't know what kind of breakfast you liked.."
"That's for me?"
"Mui- Yeah, why?"
"I thought you made that for yourself.."
"Mui- Us guardians aren't told to eat.."
"Why not?"
"Mui- Sometimes, we can fall upon someone who's poor.. So, we are trained into starving ourselves."
"Mui, I assure you we have enough money for you to eat."
"Mui- Yeah I know. We have math class in first period."
"How do you know-?"
"Mui- I inspected your schedule and I remember it by heart.."
"That's actually creepy as fuck."
"Mui- Oh, sorry- it's something is guardians have to do.."
"Nah it's fine."
I hear creaking on the stairs so I look behind me.
No response. Usually, Sanemi responds immediately... I look at Muichiro to see him with a literal katana in his hand. I look back at the stairs, starting to get scared. Then, Sanemi's spiky hair show up, then the rest of his body.
"Nemi you scared the shit out of me..."
"Nemi- Sorry Gen... I was listening to music."
He says, removing the black headphones he was wearing.
"How was your night with your boyfriend?"
"Hey, I never got his name."
"Nemi- Oh his name is Giyuu Tomioka!"
"Not bad."
I see Muichiro make another bowl of cereal than walk up to Sanemi.
"Mui- Here."
He says with a big, childish smile.
"Nemi- Thank you kid."
The singer immediately start eating and the cereals as I take my backpack and put my shoes on.
"I'm heading out now, I'll stop at the nearby shop to get myself coffee."
"Nemi- Ah, I'll pick you up after school!"
I see the angel put some shoes on as well then get out of the house. I wave Nemi goodbye and then follow the boy outside. We then start walking towards the shop, me wondering how Muichiro even appeared on earth.
[ Time skip ]
I enter the small shop and am immediately greeted by the cashier. She's wearing the school uniform.
"?- Ah, a student from my school! Your Genya right?"
"Yep, it's me the boy who just transferred."
"?- I'm Aoi Kanzaki, I'm from the same geography class as you!"
"Ohh, now that you mention it, aren't you the one who arrived late?"
The blue-eyed woman looks down and chuckles awkwardly.
"Aoi- Yeah.. I'm also a transferred student!"
"Transfer twins! That means we are obligated in being friends!"
"Aoi- Yep, so, what would you like to order?"
"I'll take a large coffee and he'll take..."
"Mui- I want hot chocolate!"
"A large hot chocolate."
I say while chuckling and looking at Aoi. She calculates the prize with her fingers and then send the order to the back.
"Aoi- It'll be 7,57$"
I hand the woman a 5$ bill and three 3$ and one 1$. She places it in her register and then wait for the order or be done.
"Aoi- Hiw about we walk to school together?"
"Sure, I don't mind. Do you mind Mui? Mui?"
I look down to see he's gone. I sigh heavily and look around. "Where is he?" I ask myself as I look around worriedly.
Aoi's eyes widen and she rushes in the back. After not even 2 seconds, she come back with my order AND Muichiro who is drinking his hot chocolate.
"Aoi- Found him and your order."
"Muichiro I told you to stay beside me.."
"Mui- Sorry.."
The man goes back beside me as Aoi take her backpack and leaves the counter. We then walk out the store, towards the school once again.
"Aoi- Say, your friend here is really strange.."
"You see, Mui's a guardian Angel.."
"Aoi- A guardian Angel?"
"Wait, follow me."
I walk into a hidden alleyway. I then make sure there's no one before turning to Mui.
"Pull out your wings."
The angel's wings spray out to leave Aoi amazed. She immediately jumps towards one and start rubbing it.
"Aoi- It's so soft!!"
Before she could rub it more, she backs off and apologizes.
"Aoi- I should've asked before touching them.."
"Mui- Touching wings isn't normal?"
"No it's not Mui, not for humans."
"Aoi- We should go.. There's only 30 minutes before school starts."
I nod and we start walking to the school again.
[ HUGE timeskip caus I can ]
It's finally time for 4th period; physical education. I walk into the gymnasium, followed by Muichiro. Aoi joined her friends for 1st period. After all, she's only in my geography class. As soon as we enter the gym, Muichiro runs towards the teacher.
The angel stops 2 meters away from the black haired teacher.
"Mui-He was in the same bed as your brother!"
The teacher hides his face in his hands; blushing hard. So he is Nemi's boyfriend?
"Giyuu- Ah, you are Genya, Sanemi's brother."
The man says after regaining his composure. He then turns to Muichiro.
"Giyuu- And you are the boy who entered our room while we were having se-"
I run to them and cover Muichiro's ears.
"Giyuu- What's the reaction about?"
"He doesn't know what it means.."
"Giyuu- Oh so he's innocent?"
"Giyuu- I knew he was an Angel but.. I didn't know he was that kind of angel. How old are you buddy?"
"Mui- I'm 14!"
Soon enough, other students start gathering inside the gym and Mr.Tomioka points a ball rack. He explains we have to do the exercises that are on the board so we run to the rack.
[ Another time skip ]
I'm currently waiting for Nemi alongside Muichiro and Tomioka. Today's a sunny day with almost no clouds in the sky, I'm happy about that. It has been a while since a beautiful day like this happened. Sanemi pull up in his usual white car, telling us to get in. I and Mui sit in the back seats as Tomioka takes the front passenger seat.
"Hey Mui, since when do you get in cars?"
"Mui- I understood that if your brother wasn't dead, it meant cars weren't dangerous!"
"Oh, alright."
We ride for quite a while but eventually reach a theatre. We all enter by the back door and walk where Sanemi has to prepare himself. I look out where everyone is and gasp. The audience is FULL; no seats are available and some people are even standing. I mean, who would miss out for Nemi's show? Talking about the older brother, he finishes his makeup and turns to me.
"Nemi- Wish me good luck."
"Good luck Nemi!"
"Giyuu- Good luck hun."
"Mui- Good luck, good luck!"
I chuckle as Sanemi runs on stage and wave everyone "hi". The audience starts to clap their hands while some whistles. They love my brother.
{ no one POV }
As Sanemi puts a hand on his mouth, the crowd goes silenced; the children's stop screaming and all the phones close.
"How's everyone doing this evening?"
Sanemi asks while the crowd yells their answers; most of them being "I'm doing good because of you".
"Okay, today I'll speak about what happened yesterday.."
The white-haired man clear his throat.
"So I wake up, and go downstairs because I heard my brother speaking.. And when I see him, he's alone, staring at me."
Everyone chuckles silently.
"I ask him a couple of questions until a boy fall from the fridge."
The audience starts to laugh out loud.
{ Genya POV + time skip }
We finally arrive back home and Sanemi immediately collapses on the ground.
"Are you okay?!"
I ask, worried. The boy raises his head a bit before coughing blood. I gasp and back away. Muichiro, him, run to the man and checks his pulse.
"Mui- You should get some rest.. I'll get medics for you."
The angel says, his tone more serious than I ever heard. He then helps Sanemi up the stairs as I start cleaning the small blood puddle he made. Once Muichiro come back, he walks over to me.
"Mui- Could you call medics? I need them here."
"Why what happened.?"
"Mui- Just call them."
I take the phone Nemi left on the table and dial 9-1-1. I stare at Muichiro as he runs back upstairs, his wings now deployed.
"?- 9-1-1 what's your emergency?"
"My brother just coughed blood and my friend wants you to come NOW.."
"?- Okay, what's your address?"
"It's **** Nichirin street.."
"?- I'll send paramedics to your home immediately."
"Thank you."
I say before hanging up.

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