ACT 3 scene 1

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Setting: around the village and in the forest.

One pastor called Daniel comes in the village, he comes from Ikiliwindi village near the Akenkwo village. He had heard the problems of the village, and he comes in Akenkwo's village inorder to put peace.

Pastor Daniel: (to one of the villagers) excuse me my man, where can I found the chief's palace especially the chief himself ?

The villager: who are you to see the chief of this village, I have never seen you in this village?

Pastor Daniel: excuse me for my misappologies, my name is Daniel I am a pastor. I heard the problems of this village so I come to put an end to this.

The villager: ok, where are you coming from?

Pastor Daniel: I am from Ikiliwindi, the neighbors village.

The villager: ok, you see this road go straight until you will see a big house. You turn on your left, you will see the palace it is where the chief is found.

Pastor Daniel: thanks you very much my man, God bless you so much.

The villager: same to you my dear.

(Exit the villager and pastor Daniel on the other road).

In the forest.

The knights were walking together, and one monster appears behind them.

Thomas : no, this is one monster behind you Michaeeel.

Michael: what!

The monster cut off Michael's head, Thomas and the king's knight remove their guns and shoot the monster, unfortunately those bullets did nothing to the monster.

Thomas: (to the king's knight) what! It is doing nothing to him, we should ruuun.

The king's knight: you are right, we should not waste time let's run.

They ran until the reach in one place inside the forest, they sat down to rest while discussing.

Thomas : (while breathing difficulty) you see, I told you that we cannot killed those Monsters. They are too much powerful for us, we should get out from this forest quickly before the two of us should be devoured by those Monsters.

The king's knight: I see now the truth, you were correct, lets get out from this forest quickly.

When they were resting down a tree, at that moment one monster just appears behind the tree and hold Thomas while disappearing.

The king's knight: (while shouting) noo! Thomas you cannot leave me alone nooo!.

After shouting, he continues to run until he saw a place with light.

The king's knight: (while shouting) thanks you my God, this is the out of this curse forest, let's me run fast and go to the palace inorder to inform the chief from what had happened to us in this curse forest.

(Exit the king's knight)

"Thanks you for reading"

"To be continue"

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