ACT 2 scene 2

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Setting: still in the palace

After a few days, the guard killed the woman who sold the palm wine to Atangana, and arrested Atangana by putting him in the palace's cage.

(Enters Mike in the palace while chief Mukete enters at the parlor)

Chief Mukete: Mike go and gathered all the villagers here I want to address them.

Mike: ok my highness.

(Exit Mike)

Chief Mukete: (while talking to himself) the only solution is to gathered all this villagers inorder to pick out six men, to go in the forest to defeat those Monsters.

(Re-enters Mike)

Mike: my highness, everybody is out waiting for you.

Chief Mukete: ok Mike.

(Exit chief Mukete and Mike)

(Re-enter chief Mukete and Mike out of the palace)

Chief Mukete: hello the  population of Akenkwo village, I call all of you here to talk about something very important. Everybody know that our village is in trouble, the monsters are killing our brothers and sisters and even our parents. They devorate them like chickens, between all of you here who wants that this calamity should stop?

(Everybody raise their hands up)

Good my population, I want only six men who has courage and determination inorder to fight those Monsters un that curse forest. You people should not be fear, Mustapha would give them power and a spiritual dagger to each of the sixmen.

(Among the population, six men just come out. They were having big muscles with ten abdose.)

The sixmen: we are ready to participate on that mortal combat, we are going to kill all those Monsters.

Chief Mukete: ok my sixmen, I like that.

(Chief Mukete calls Mustapha)

(Enters Mustapha)

Mustapha : yes my Highness.

Chief Mukete: these are those six men who want to protect our village by killing those Monsters, gives them powers and a spiritual dagger to each of them.

Mustapha : ok my highness.

Mustapha call the sixmen in his place (the place where the make sacrifices inorder to feed the Ancestors or the Gods of the village) and give them power with spiritual daggers recommended by the chief, inorder to Go and fight those Monsters in the forest. After Mustapha presented them to chief Mukete.

Chief Mukete: they can go and fight those Monsters and return with victory, inorder to be proud of you people.

The sixmen: yes my Highness, we are going to win the battle and come back with victory, we are promising you my highness.

Chief Mukete: ok, you people are having my blessings so you people can go.

The sixmen: thank you my highness.

The sixmen raise their hands having the dagger up while shouting " we are going to make it"

(Exit the sixmen)

Chief Mukete: thank you my population, our sixmen are going to come back with victory so you people should return back home.

The population: ok my highness.

(Exit the population)

Chief Mukete: ( to Mustapha) thank you very much for your service, you can now go out gods should guide you on the way.

Mustapha : thanks you my highness, same to you.

(Exit Mustapha with chief Mukete on the other way)

"Thanks you for reading"

"To be continue"

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