13. Dear reader

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Warnings: none

Description: This one is based on the movie: The half of it. (It's a great movie, you should def watch it! ) Steve and y/n are best friends, the only thing Steve doesn't know is that y/n likes girls. When Steve starts crushing on their coworker Robin he asks y/n to write a love letter to gove to Robin, but what he doesn't know is that y/n secretly also has a crush on Robin. 


"Alright, I think we're done. See you tomorrow guys!" Robin said as she finished the last bit of cleaning at scoops. "See you tomorrow Rob!" I replied, smiling and looking her way. "Bye Y/n!" She said and gave me the same look before leaving the store. I felt little butterfly's in my stomach, I always get them whenever Robin looks my way, gosh, she's so beautifull. 

"See ya, Robin." Steve waved at Robin and I snapped out of my thoughts. I realised I had been staring and immediatly looked away with heated cheeks. "Do you need a ride, Y/n?" Steve asked. "Yeah, sure thanks." I replied. "Great, I actually have to ask you something." He added as we walked to his car. "Oh, what's up?" I asked with a curious tone to my voice. We got into his car. "Uhm, I kind of need your help with something." He explained as he started the car. I turned to face him. "Sure, well... depends, what do you need my help with?" I asked. "So uhm, there's this girl... I really like her... I think... I'm sure... and I know you write really well, so could you maybe write me-" He suggested, I rolled my eyes. I already knew where this was going. "A love letter? that's not very romantic Stevie, Im not going to write a love letter to some random girl. You'll have to write it yourself." I answered. "Oh please!? you and I both know I suck at that, besides, you know this girl very well, so it would be super easy!" He tried to convince me. I raised an eyebrow. "Steve, what do you mean by very well?" I asked, my tone a bit skeptical. "I'll tell you if you promise you'll write the letter." "absolutely not!" "oh well, then I won't tell you." I rolled my eyes. "Fine, I'll write your stupid letter, but only if you give me half of your tips at work!" I bribed him. It was his turn to roll his eyes. "Fine, deal." He reached out his hand for me to shake. I chuckled and took it. "Wow, this girl must be really special, huh? deal." I laughed. "Yeah she is." He said with a dreamy look in his eyes. "You can't tell anyone though, but it's Robin..." 

My heart dropped at least as deep as the Pacific Ocean. "Oh wow, never... never thought you liked her..." I mumbled. He turned his head to me with a worried look. "I know, but she's cool, right?" He asked, as if he suddenly needed my permission to have a crush on her. "Yeah, super cool, amazing..." I whispered the last part quietly enough for him not to understand it. "What was that?" He asked. "nothing. I'll write your letter, when do you need it?" I said, trying to hide my dissapointment. "As soon as possible." He replied and I rolled my eyes. "as SoOn aS PoSSiBle..." I immitated his voice. "Sure Steve, a super romantic love letter will just suddenly appear in my head." I added in a snarky tone. "Dude, what's up with you suddenly?" He replied, a mix of annoyance and worry in his voice. "Nothing." I quickly said, trying to fix my attitude. "Sorry." I added. "Okay..." He still sounded a bit skeptical, but minded his business. "We're at your house, see you tomorrow." He said. "Yup, see you tomorrow." I smiled and got out of the car. I waved for a second as he drove away, and then ran into my house.

When I got to my room I immediatly broke down crying. Ofcourse Steve had to have a crush on Robin! Not like I had a chance with her anyways, but it would have been nice if I could still have a crush on her without her dating my best friend. Now that I thought about it it all makes sense, the bantering, the looks they gave eachother and ofcourse the way Robin always called him 'dingus'. I swear, if I hear her call him that one more time I will actually throw up! they totally had huge crushes on eachother, they would be perfect togheter. "Let's just write this fucking letter and get it over with." I mumbled to myself as I sat down at my desk. I wrote for about an hour until I eventually had enough, this'll have to do.

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