4. Speak now or forever hold your crush... pt2

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Warnings: none:)

Descriptions: Y/n and Robin go on their first date after not seeing eachother for 4 years by going on a trip down memory lane. Thats it, if you haven't read the previous part you should def do that first<33


The sun was starting to go down, setting a warm golden glow over the streets of Hawkins. Hawkins... god I had missed this town, I had missed home, I had missed Robin. A gentle breeze ruffled through my hair while I biked to the meeting spot me and Robin had agreed on. I was so exited by our first date, my heart was pounding in my chest. As I crossed the street to Hawkins public library I didn't see Robin yet. I parked my bike in front of the library and waited for her to come. I took out the pocket mirror out of my bag and started touching up my makeup and hair. This girl had seen me in the worst conditions, but I felt the need for tonight to be perfect, and that includes my hair and makeup. 

"Hey stranger!" I heard a familliar voice call me. I looked up and smiled when I saw Robin hop off her bike next to mine and rush to hug me. "hey robin!" I replied as I hugged her back tightly. We stood there for a second before I pulled away. "So, ready to go down memory lane?" she asked with a mischievous smile and sparkles in her eyes. I stared at her in awe before responding. I nodded exitedly, my heart racing with exitement. "Yes, let's go!" She took my hand and we hurried back to our bikes. 

We were driving through the streets of Hawkins, Robin was leading the way. We pointed out all the places where we used to go to togheter, or had funny stories about. The arcade where we used to play hours of packman, the movie theatre where we used to sneak in and watch R-rated movies and the park where we used to have picknicks on warm sunny days. We headed over to the highschool, I didn't have that much memory's from that place, since I left Hawkins about half a year into my first year at that school.  

"Do you remember when we cought Mrs Click kissing the janitor over there?!" Robin said while pointing at a little alley behind Hawkins highschool. I chuckled remebering mrs Click's shocked face. "Yes! and how she had to beg us not to tell anyone, we weren't going to ofcourse, but it was still funny!" Robin laughed and so did I. I looked at her and she looked back with the same sparkle in her eyes as before. "I really missed you, missed this, just laughing and spending time togheter." I added. "I missed you lots too, I really thought I had lost you forever when you stopped talking and writing to me, I thought I did something wrong, or that you hated me or something." She rambled on and I stopped biking, she stopped too and I gave her a comforting look. "Rob, I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you, I was just being stupid and a massive douchebag." She hopped off her bike and cupped my face. "It's okay now, you were stupid, but not a douchebag! You were my best friend, and now you're my-" She bit her lip and hesiated to talk further. "Girlfriend?" I replied, completing her sentence. "Yeah, yeah, you're my girlfriend." She giggled with the biggest smile on her face. I leaned in and pressed my lips onto hers, a tingling sensation filling my body. I felt her smile against my lips, and then pull back. "I'm sorry, was that not-" But I was cut of instantly by her lips again. I closed my eyes and kissed her back passionately, gently running my fingers through her hair. As our kiss deepened the world seemed to fade away around us, my heart beating like crazy with a capitol C.

Eventually we broke apart, our hearts lighter then they had been in years. "I really missed you." Robin said, her voice filled with sincerity. "I've missed you too." I replied, unable to contain the joy in my voice. The sun dipped underneath the horizon and the stars began to show, it felt magical.

We continued our bike ride through hawkins, hand in hand. As we biked through the familiar streets, I couldn't help but feel gratefull of this all. And as long as Robin was by my side, I knew anything was possible.

The end


Hii:) I really hoped you liked this one! I don't really have anything else to say lol. Have a nice day/night<33

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