11. Gorgeous

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Warnings: Slight spoilers

Description: Robin can't stop talking about Vickie, little does she know her bestfriend, y/n, has a massive crush on her. (Absolutely no hate towards Vickie!!!! Love her omgg.)


We were driving to the pep rally at school. By 'we' I mean Steve, Robin and I. Me in the back, Steve and Robin in the front. They were talking about Steve's stupid love life. I was jealous of him, he could get whoever he wanted and not get judged. I had zoned out a long time ago until I heard the name 'Vickie'. I rolled my eyes and started listening in to the conversation. I felt bad for feeling this way about Vickie. I was supposed to be happy for my bestfriend for finally finding someone that might like her back, but deep down I wished it was me. 

I've had a crush on Robin ever since I met her as my coworker in scoops ahoy. Ofcourse I didn't tell her or Steve, at that time I still didn't even know she was into girls. When she told me and Steve about Tammy Thompson in that bathroom on the night of the 'mall fire', I wanted to tell her, but then everything happened with the mind flayer, and ever since then I just hadn't had the balls to say anything, not even to Steve. Now that she has this massive crush on Vickie, I'm scared I'll never be able to tell her. I sigh and continue to listen to what they're saying.

"...I'd buy that, exept Vickie is definitly not the wrong girl." Steve said. "We just don't know that, do we?" Robin replied. "She returned fast times, paused at 53 minutes 5 seconds... you know who pauses fast times paused at 53 minutes and 5 seconds?!" There was a silence. Even though I couldn't see Robin, I could just imagine her rolling her eyes. "People who like boobies, Robin." steve exclaimed. "Ew, gross!" "Boobies" "Don't say boobies!" Robin yelled. I tried to surpress my laugh, and let out a loud snort. "It's not a big deal, okay? I like boobies, you like boobies... Vickie likes boobies, definitly!" He continued. I couldn't help but completely crack up, and I saw them glance at me from the rearview mirror. "You say something Y/n! Vickie is definitly not the wrong girl, right!?" Steve asked me. I swallowed hard, I usually never merged myself in these conversations about Vickie, I just listened and wished it would pass. "I uhm, yeah sure Vickie is nice." I stuttered. Steve rolled his eyes. "Not really convincing enough, y/n." I didn't respond and just sat back in my seat. "What I'm saying is, it's boobies!" He added and Robin hit him on his shoulder. The rest of the ride was mostly Steve trying to convince Robin to make a move on Vickie, so I just stayed silent.

When we arrived at school I hurried out the car, I couldn't bare to listen to them anymore. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I turned around and looked directly into Robin's eyes. I felt my cheeks heat up and I tried to look away. She must've seen the tears in my eyes, because her usual joyfull expression turned into a concerned one. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said with a slightly shaky voice. "You sure?" She pushed, her voice sincere. "Yeah." I insisted, this time with a more stern tone, and brushed her hand off my shoulder. "Don't worry." I added, and gave her a fake smile. She smiled back, but still seemed a bit skeptical. "Alright then, if you say so." She looked behind me and saw one of her friends from band and waved. "Hey! wait up!" She called after them, and walked away. I sighed and quickly made my way to the bathroom. I was on he verge of tears, jesus, this day was going well so far...

When I got to the bathroom unlucky for me someone was there, and that someone was ofcourse... Vickie. I quickly blinked away my tears and smiled at her. "Hi" She said, returning the smile. "Hi." I replied. "Have you seen Robin anywhere?" She asked, and I felt a knot in my stomach. "No I haven't, sorry." I lied. She looked a little dissapointed. "Oh, okay, thanks anyways." She said, and left the bathroom. I felt bad for being like this to her, she couldn't help it that Robin had a crush on her, and that I couldn't get over her. I looked into the mirror and finally let a few tears roll down my cheeks. I closed my eyes and sighed. This was pathetic, Robin is my bestfriend, and will never be more, I needed to get my shit togheter and get over it. I opened my eyes again and wiped away my tears. 

Timeskip to the basketball game

I was Standing next to Steve and his date. I looked at Robin, who was playing the trumpet. She looked so cute... shutup y/n, get yourself togheter! I realised that I had zoned out when everyone around me started cheering. I looked up and saw the one and only Tammy Thompson standing behin the microphone. I giggled when she started singing, and heard steve whisper something to Robin about her still sounding like a muppet. I looked Robin's way too and noticed her laughing about something to Vickie, auch. I quickly looked away and focused on Tammy again, trying to surpress my feelings for Robin once more.

Another timeskip to the next day at family video's (sorry for all the timeskips)

"And then, Vickie laughed! and it wasnt like a cheap, fake laugh either. It was like... a real, genuine laugh." Robin rambled while she was rearranging movies with Steve. I was sat behind the counter, trying not to cry as I heard Robin talk about how perfect Vickie is. I bit my lips and thought of funny stuff to try an distract myself, but it didn't work. I stormed out to the back, hoping Steve and Robin hadn't noticed. I sat there for a while, trying to silence my sobs. I hated myself for how I was acting. Robin was obviously in love with Vickie, and she saw me as a friends, nothing more, so start acting like one! I repeatetly whispered that to myself to calm me down. I buried my face into my hands and curled up in the corner of the room. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" I heard Steve and Robin come in and quickly wiped away my tears. "Nothing, I'm totally fine, just being dramatic." I said in a broken voice, not making any eye contact. "Don't lie to me, somethings wrong, i can tell." Robin insisted while she walked over and kneeled down besides me. She turned her head towards Steve. "Can you give us a minute?" She whispered. Steve nodded and walked out of the room. "Just tell me if you need something okay?" He said before closing the door. Robin nodded and then looked at me again. "Now, please tell me what's going on, you've been acting off lately, is something wrong? Or is it something that I did?" She asked while holding my hand. "You didn't do anything wrong, well... not really... it's not your fault. It's just... I'm just... I'm just being a terrible friend, thats all." I replied with a shaky voice. "What do you mean with being a bad friend? You're my... my best friend." She objected. I hesitated for a second before answering, but I couldn't do this any longer, I had to tell her...

"It's Vickie, she's... she's great and I know I'm supposed to be happy for you but... god, I love you Robin! I've had this... this massive crush on you ever since I met you and... and I know you probably won't feel the same... but... but you're just so goreous it actually hurts hearing you talk about Vickie like that... I'm sorry..." I confessed, tears streaming down my face. Robin had let go off my hand, and I took that as a bad sign. There was silence, Robin was staring at the ground and I couldn't see her expression. Maybe she was disgusted, angry or maybe, just maybe, she felt the same. "R-robin? please say something." I whispered. "I... I just can't believe how stupid I was." Robin eventually spoke. My mind started racing, stupid how? Stupid to become friends with me? I bit my lip, trying not to break down again. "Sorry." I managed to utter. "I shouldn't have said all this, you're in love with Vickie, I should have known." I tried to surpress my sobs as I stood up and began walking towards the exit. 

"Wait!" Robin exclaimed, as she grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her. "I should've told you this way sooner but... I'm not in love with Vickie... I only told myself that to distract myself from my real feelings,because... because I didn't want to ruin our friendship... but, It's you... it's always been you." She confessed. "What...?" I stuttered, not knowing what to say, or do. "I love you, you dingus..." She whispered, and cupped my face, softly wiping away my tears. I smiled and placed my hands onto hers. "Really?" I whispered, still not believing it. She pulled me in and pressed her lips onto mine. I was shocked, but before I could react she pulled away again, resting her forehead onto mine. "Yes... really." She chuckled, and I did too. "You're extremely red." She suddenly said. "Shut up!" I giggled. "Like actually scarlet." She giggled too. "Oh stop it, you're not funny!" I playfully hit her shoulder and laughed even louder. She smiled and grabbed my chin, crashing her lips onto mine once more. This time I kissed her back. I melted into the kiss, our lips moving perfectly in sync. 

When we finally pulled away for air I looked her in her eyes and gave her a tight hug. "I love you Robin." I whispered. "I love you too y/n." She whispered back. I closed my eyes and smiled. Everything was okay...


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