12. Long story short, it was a bad time...

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Warnings: ?spoilers? graphic scenes, angst and basically everything you see in season 4 ep 4 'dear billy'

Description: After the tragic events of last summer Y/n Hargrove is still grieving her brother Billy. On top of that, the bitch Vecna also decided to curse her. (Max isn't cursed in this one and Robin and Y/n are already dating)


"Hey, are you okay?" My step-sister Max asked, as she sat down beside me on the couch in the wheelers' basement. "I'm... as good as someone who's about to die can feel." I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "Don't say that, Nance and Robin are going to find a solution, I promise." She promised. I sighed and tried to surpress my tears. All the nosebleeds, headaches and nightmares finally made sense now. I guess that's what happens when... nevermind. I was exhausted, all I wanted was to throw myself in Robins arms and let her tell me everything would be fine, that Billy was still alive and that everything that had happened since last summer was just a really bad nightmare. 


We were standing on the balcony in starcourt mall, throwing fireworks at the big scary mindflayer. I was terrified, but I was standing next to Robin, so I felt some comfort in that. I glanced besides me, only aiming for a reassuring look from Robin, but in the corner of my eye I saw my brother, Billy, walk up to the mindflayer with someone in his arms. I felt the blood leave my face, and I froze mid-throw. I watched how Billy laid Eleven infront of the mindflayer, inviting him to attack. "no..." I whispered, and dropped the firework off the balcony. My body started working again and I immediatly came in action. I began to run towards the stairs. "Y/n! where are you going?!" I heard Robins concerned yells behind me, but I ignored them and kept running down the stairs. "Billy stop!" I yelled as I came down the stairs. The tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Please Billy!" I yelled as I came to a halt behind him. He was bent over Eleven, her hand on his cheek and he seemed to ignore me. "Billy... Billy this isn't you." I begged, trying to catch his attention. He probably didn't hear me over all the fireworks, or chose to ignore me, but I still didn't get a response. A small sparkle of hope lit up in me when he finally stood up and glanced my way. His expression had changed, he looked... scared, sad but not angry anymore. He turned away from me and faced the mindflayer. I held my breath, scared what was going to happen. Before I could fully comprehend what was going on the mindflayer launched at him, attaching his slimy tentacles to Billy's side. A big dark red stain was starting to spread on his shirt when another tentacle launched at him. My eyes widened in shock and my body froze when I understood what was going on. "No..." A soft whisper left my lips. I wanted to run up to him, rip him away from the mindflayer but something was holding me back, and I couldn't help but just stand there, watching how my brother was dying...

End flashback.

So now you know, it was my fault my brother was dead. I could've helped him, saved him. But I didn't, I just stood there...

"Okay, we're ready to leave, stay here and if something happens, call us through the walkie." Nancy said as she threw the walkie at Steve. I looked up at Nancy and Robin and couldn't help but snort. Robin was wearing a very neat blouse with a big fancy collar and a coulored skirt. It was definitly not what I was ever expecting to see her wear, and she looked very uncomfortable, which made it only look funnier. I bit my lip while trying not to break out in laughter. "What?" Robin grunted when she noticed my attempt not to laugh. "Nothing! It's just... you look uhm... different." I snickered. Robin rolled her eyes at me and I got up from the couch. "You're still the most gorgeous women I've ever laid my eyes on though..." I whispered quietly as I fixed a folded peice of her collar. "Stop it." She whispered back, trying not to laugh herself too. "Alright lovebirds, we gotta go." Nancy said, grabbing Robins arm as she said those last words. She smiled one last time at me and pecked my cheek. "Be safe okay? I'll be back before you know it, I love you!" She assured me while Nancy took her with her. "I love you too!" I called after her, but she was already outside. 

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