Chapter Fourteen

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A lot of blushing & confessions
. . .

Thanksgiving with my parents divorced has always been funny to me.

My grandma Tara and grandpa Sebastian on my dad's side would come over for dinner at my Mom's house while my grandpa Samual would fly all the way from California just to spend a few hours with us before he went to stay at my uncle Walton's house.

My Uncle Walton is my mom's younger brother- uncle Wally (as Jas and I call him), has three daughters- Daphne, Lizzie, and Jazzy.

Daphne- not even in high school yet, is the closest to my age- she's fourteen and mostly reps to herself while he younger sister- nine and ten, talk Jasper's little ears off- Jasper obliges to the challenge of being the most talkative and before you know it three elementary school kids are talking your ear off about the latest episode of my Little Pony and Power rangers.

What's even more interesting is the conversations between my grandparents and parents.

"Oh Rodger, you had a good thing goin' still do, why don't you just remarry Ms. Bethany here?" Grandpa Sebastian chuckles, picking up his glass of wine and talking a sip of it.

Grandma Tara and Grandpa Samual laugh- as does Uncle Wally.

My dad blushes, "dad" he mutters.

Lizzie, Jasper, and Jazzy are all giggling about Henry Danger at the kids' table.

Daphne and I look at each other and laugh at my dad's red face.

When dinner's over and my Dad's parents leave- after urging my parents to get back together for the millionth time (which, believe it or not is funnier and funnier each time). Mom, Daphne, and I wash dishes while uncle Wally- who's a pilot, teaches Jazzy, Lizzy, and Jasper how a plane works in the living room- Dad and Grandpa Samual are sitting at the patio table with the door open, playing a rather loud game of chess.

We're all talking and laughing and it almost makes me forget that Amanda hasn't answered my text since the sleepover. I wonder if leaving early was a bad decision... I wonder if she hates me- I wonder if she's talked to Teddy and he told her a lie about what happened on our date- I wonder if she's mad at me.

But I try and push those feelings down. My mom of course, can see right through me.

"So, now that it's just me and Daph, what's going on honey, you look..." mom pauses, looking at me while she's in the middle of washing a marble patterned white plate, "thoughtful" Daphne finishes for her.

I bite the inside of my cheek as I take a dry dish out of Daphne's hand and place it in the silver dish tray, I wonder if I should tell them but that's too much explaining too much...

"Is it Amanda" my mom questions. Mom and Dad and basically everyone in my family knows about my fat crush on Amanda- for the first few years I crushed on her, she was all I could talk about- it was "Amanda did this" or "Amanda looked so cute today" or my personal favorite "I tried to talk to her and looked and sounded soooo dumb" it seems like a never ending cycle- my crush on her, that is, and it feels like it's never going anywhere- like I'll probably be stuck on this high school crush for the rest of my life.

I shift uncomfortably, mom doesn't expertly know the events that have unfolded since Halloween- I haven't told her because it feels like the two of us have been way to busy to just sit down and "talk".

"Yeah, something like that" I shrug, reaching out for the dish mom was holding- she's about to say something when I take the big, flat plate into my hand when the ring of the door bell completely interrupts her.

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