Chapter Eight

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Weirdness & sister convos
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"How was the date?" I asks Hannah enthusiastically.

It's before first period Friday morning and Hannah's head is buried inside her locker.

Hannah shrugs, "okay" she replied in the most monotoned voice I've heard in my life- a voice that was not in fact- hers.

"Really? Just okay... details women I need details!"

Hannah's head comes out of her locker and I could see she had bags underneath her eyes- like she didn't sleep.

Is that why she's being so dry?

"There's really no details.." she says.

I gasp, "did you guys fuck?"

She frowns- which actually made my heart sank for some weird, unknown reason.

"Is that why you look so sleepy?" I asks- because for some reason, I just has to make it worse.

"No the date was fine Amanda- amazing, really" her voice cracks on fine- "the date was fine, Amanda" it repeats in my mind over and over again until I found myself frowning.

"A-are you okay?" I ask.

She nods, "I should find Olivia.." she says- and before I could answer she  slammed her locker and walked away- leaving me with my thoughts.

"No the date was fine Amanda- amazing, really" repeat in my mind all the way till lunch time.

"Fine isn't good, right?" I ask my friends all of a sudden. I had no idea what they were talking about- or if it was even about dating at all..

I just had to know.

What happened?

Does Hannah not like Teddy anymore? And why does the thought of her being sad make me sad? What's that weird feeling forming inside of me whenever I think about her?

I look up to see my friends giving me weird looks.

"Manda- are you good?" Ella asks, placing a reassuring hand on my back, "you haven't spike this whole time and then that leaves your mouth?"

I shrug, "y-yeah, I'm fine".

Then, an idea appears in my mind I have to make sure Hannah was okay..

"Actually- I have to use the rest room" I lie.

My friends nod.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Ella asks.

I shake my head and get up- walking away. On the way out, I pass where Hannah, Olivia and Madison are sitting.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask Hannah.

"I guess" Hannah says softly with a shrug- she looks back at her friend's before walking outside the cafeteria with me.

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