Chapter Nineteen

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Locker rooms & much needed talks
. . .

"Honestly Dee, I'm happy you realized he was a jerk and everything, but I'm sorry he had to break you for you to find out..." Ella says.

It's Tuesday after school after I've told Ella what happened last night- right before cheer practice when the two of us are sitting on the blue benches in the locker room.

All around us are members of the cheer team- they're not listening, but Ella and I are still somewhat whispering.

"I know" I sigh, bringing one of my knees up to my chest on the bench so that I can tie my white sneakers, "the only good thing that came out of it all was being with Hannah".

"Ohhh" Ella begins teasingly, wiggling her brows.

I roll my eyes but smile anyways, "I met her Dad this morning" I look at Ella, "she called me her girlfriend and 'my Ananda' before she realized she'd said either of those things".

Ella's jaw drops and she begins to squeal happily, "oh my gosh- wait, are you guys...?"

"I don't know" I shrug, "I want to ask her out but I have no idea where I'd even take her".

"Take her ice skating- that way if she falls you can say she fell for you all over again".

I snort, "where the hell did you get that from?"

"Maddy when she was telling me about her sister and her girlfriend's first date".

I laugh, "that's actually good... but considering I have no idea how to skate, no".

Ella shrugs, "oh-well, guess I'll persuade my future child into doing it"

I shake my head, "you mean coerce".

"Shh" Ella says, "persuade sounds more motherly"

"Ah yes" I begin, "Oh Alex honey, please your future spouse ice skating so they can fall and you can say they fell for you again, or mommy will stop loving you" I say, imitating Ella's voice.

"Shut up!" Ella laughs, "I'd never name my child Alex".

"What's wrong with Alex?" I question, cocking my brow up and teasingly poking at my cousin, "are you against Alexs or something Ella- hm?"

"Noo" she replied between laughs while shaking her head wildly, "w-why Alex?"

I shrug, "unisex name".

She dies even harder, "oh no Alex- you have to be a fruit loop or mommy will never love you!" She says aggressively.

I laugh, "oh what an amazing mother" I say sarcastically.

"I know right- like I totally won't kick Alex out for coming out as straight".

I gasp dramatically, "me personally, I'm kicking my kid out because that's such sinful behavior!" I use a fame British accent which makes Ella die even more.

By then, we're the only two in the locker room dying of laughter- and everyone's looking at us like we're crazy.

Still, we continue.

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