Down Fall Part 1

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"What do you have to say for yourself, Natalie Cambell? I trusted you and you stabbed me in the back!" I say angry

"Jay, please let me explain..." Natalie said into the phone.

"Explain what, Natalie, you're a whore as now? Explain why you cheated on me with several guys behind my back. Why did you call me a tool to improve your grades?" I say frustrated and hurt.

"It's not like that, Jay. I've made a few mistakes, but I never meant to hurt you." Natalie said on the phone.

[sarcastically] I said, "Oh, that's right, because betraying someone's trust and publicly humiliating them is such a loving gesture, isn't it?"

"Jay, I was under a lot of pressure with my grades and I made some bad choices. But you have to understand..." She continues.

"What do you understand, Natalie? That you're a manipulative bitch who never cared about me? That you used me to get ahead while you fucked other guys?" I'm saying.

Natalie: No, that's not true. I care about you, Jay. I just messed up.

[seething] I said "You messed up huh? Do you think that being fuck like a whore by several guys is just a small mistake? Do you think I will forgive you because you poured a few crocodile tears?"

"Okay Jay I don't know who sent you these videos but please don't show them to anyone. I know I made a mistake but I love you." Natalie said.

"Love? You don't know anything about love, Natalie. Love isn't about lying and cheating. It's about honesty and respect, something you know nothing about."

"Ok I'm going to stop playing the victim, yes I fucked all those guys, yes I loved doing it, it was so amazing, and yes I'm using you as a fuckin tool to stay at Techram uni," Natalie exclaims proudly over the phone.

"Dammm!!!!" Willaim exclaims because it hears everything.

(I hang up the phone, his hands shaking with anger and pain.)

"I'm done," I say tired and disgusted.

"Jay, are you okay?" William ask.

[Voice trembling] I said "No, Will, I'm not okay. But at least now I know the truth."

"Jay, this is fucked up, I can't believe she said that to you, man. You deserve better," William said.

"Thank you, Will. It's just... I never saw that coming, you know? I thought she was different, I imagine ending my life with this girl, having kids, living in a beautiful home, and being happy." I said extremely sad.

"Yeah, I get it. You know you were blinded by love and despair, you ignored all the signs and warnings from me and Dylan because you didn't want to be alone and unloved." William said in a calm tone.

"Yes, she's my first real girlfriend. I never knew how to talk to or seduce a girl since I got here, I only face rejection and my first success was just a lie" I said -tears in my eyes.

"I think you should go home, it's getting late and you know your stepmom doesn't like you coming home late," William says

"I DON'T CARE WHAT THIS OLD BITCH SAYS," I say very angry because he just reminded me of one of the people I hate the most.

"You know Jay, this woman has as much difficulty with you as you have with her but hatred at this point is not the solution," Willaim said.

Willaim knows what he's talking about because he grew up in a not-very-wealthy family with an alcoholic father and mother who beat their child and who fought among themselves.

Just the two of usUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum