The Dark Truth 1

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After this brief moment of joy, they all headed to the dining room. I helped Robert move downstairs, and Chloée assisted Mia. We shared a good meal and talked about many funny things that weren't sad or tragic this time. It was a beautiful afternoon, and I will never forget Robert's words.

Suddenly, someone rings the doorbell, and Nico goes to open the door.

"Grandma, it's the doctor," Nico said.

"It's time. Good evening, Mr. Alex," Mia said before shaking his hand.

"Good evening, Miss Flesher," Mr. Alex responds.

"Cheri, the doctor has arrived," Mia said to Robert.

"Okay, I'm ready. And you, my dear?" Robert responds.

"Yes, I'm ready to put an end to it once and for all," Mia replies.

The doctor and his team enter with equipment, and I notice two ambulances outside. Nico, Chloée, and Sarah immediately lose their smiles from earlier. Chloée motions for me to come closer.

"What's going on, Chloée?" I ask her.

"They were taken to the hospital to receive medical assistance in dying. Their illness made them suffer a lot. Grandfather was the most affected, but grandmother also suffered," she says with a trembling voice.

"Tonight is the last day that we are going to see them, Jay. That's why I insisted that you talk to them and see them for the first and last time," she says in a low voice as she grabs my hand tightly.

"My dear Jay, I am happy to have met you. Take care of yourself, Chloée, and your future family. I have confidence in you, and I count on you, my son," Robert said.

"Our time has come. I leave my little girl in your hands and give you my blessing for your marriage, if you get married one day," Robert said before giving me a big hug. Tears stream down his face.

"We will do it, Mr. Robert. I promise you that I will not disappoint you in the role that you are giving me," I said, hugging him tightly with tears in my eyes.

"Jay, I believe in you. You will be a good husband for Chloée and a great father for your future baby. I also give you my blessing. Be strong during every moment of your life, and never forget that our good God is with you," Mia said before hugging me too, while crying.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Mia. I will do everything to be," I said, crying.

Tears started to flow from my eyes. I knew they would no longer be here, but I didn't know that their last day was today. I've only known them for 3 or 5 hours, but I've already become attached to them because of their story. I wanted to spend more time with them, especially Robert, who reminds me a bit of my father.

Sarah, Chloée, Nico, and their grandparents head into a room. As they are in this room, I go out into the garden to answer the call from the hospital where William was hospitalized. They tell me that Will has decided to unplug the machines that were keeping him alive and that he wanted to see me before he did it.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'll be arriving in 30 minutes," I said in a very stressed voice.

"Thank you, Mr. Wali. We are waiting for you," the assistant said before hanging up the phone.

"Why? This damn day was so sad, tragic, suffering. The story of the death of Chloée's parents disturbed me, but it was bearable. But why? adding the end of her grandparents' lives on the same fucking day," I said with a sobbing voice.

"And on top of all that, now  one of my only best friends want to die too, IN THE SAME FUCKING DAY! WOW, why is life so hard? I don't understand anymore," I said and started crying little by little.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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