Chapter One: The Call of Chaos P1

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I moved to Canada four years ago,  I remenber that I was struggling with English, my integration was challenging. Making friends has been nearly impossible, compounded by conflicts at home with my father's new wife, Deborah, I only found out they were married when I came to live for good in Canada. 

She treats me more strictly than her own daughters. 

The constant arguing among us has strained the family dynamic, and my mental health has suffered as a result. 

When my father is away, shuttling between Africa and Canada, things worsen, leaving me feeling utterly alone to navigate school and home life.

 I've grappled with suicidal thoughts, but fear has prevented me from following through."

The year 2023 was by far the year where I evolved the most, I got even closer to my two only friends (William and Dylan), I strengthened myself with sprot (Gym and Boxing), I find myself my first real girlfriend (Natalia).

I was a little more confident but the damage of the past often comes back to me but I believe that 2024 is going to be even better, because I will finally go and live far from this house after high school, I'm ready but today is a normal day where I have to get ready to spend.

Another day at that Damm school again, where the kids made me wish I had a noose, and the only thing keeping me sane was the prestigious education provided by well-known teachers at Fisher Valley.

"Oh, shoot, I'm still so tired," I mutter. Despite getting a full 8 hours of sleep last night, the quality was poor, and I still need more rest. I head to the small bathroom of the house; it isn't huge, but it's better than living in that tiny downtown apartment.

Three years of suffering in this cramped space with Maria and Sarah, the twins who are identical in everything, even their idiocy. I can't believe we're all the same age.

"Why do these foolish girls take so long in the shower? I'm going to be late for my bus." Every morning, it's the same ordeal; I've missed my school bus several times and am forced to take the disgusting city bus with these peculiar people just to get to Fisher Valley.

"Finally finished, Maria?" I say, annoyed and tired.

She looks me up and down before retorting, "This is Sarah you're talking to, not Maria. We've been living together for four years already, Jay, and you still can't tell the difference between us, you idiot," she says, clearly frustrated.

"And what now, you're both just stupid bitch girls. Get out of my way; I'm almost late," I snap, feeling a little angry and exhausted. Sarah goes to their room, a bit frustrated, finally allowing me access to the shower.

"I'm almost ready to go now. Let's get some breakfast." They're all downstairs getting ready too – Dad, Stepmama, and the other two idiots.

"Hello, Dad, how are you?" I greet him enthusiastically because he's the only one I love and respect in this house, even though he's not here very often.

"Hello, son, I'm fine. And you?" he replies, happy to see me.

"I'm fine too," I reply.

"You don't say hello to your mother and your sisters?" I'll do it just for him.

"Hello, Mom, Maria, and Sarah," I say reluctantly, my level of love and respect for these people is as low as their IQs.

"Hello, my dear son," my stepmom says with the most hypocritical smile I have ever seen. She always pretends to love me and treats me like her son only when my father is present.

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