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New STORYY!!!! I know you guys have been waiting for me to do a sequel to The Little Wolf's Heat but I'm sure that was the only book. I kind of suck at sequels and I don't want to disappoint you all. SOOOOOO I decided to write another werewolf story with mpreg and such. I will warn you, this story does not follow the same rules as TLWH, there are no Witches and werewolves are NOT hidden from Humans. It will all be explained in the story. ALSO, there were a lot of errors in TLWH (still not edited) that really seemed to bother you all, so I can't promise that this story will be perfect but I can guarantee there won't be too many of those problems. I really hope you guys like this story as much as TLWH, maybe even better. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!! COMMENT, VOTE, FOLLOW, PROMOTE!!! PRETTY PLEASEEEEEEE!!!


Let me stop rambling.

Enjoy the story and Happy Reading!


Firelipz♥ Out!



"Fire Breather" - Laurel


Fate had a funny way of showing favor.

It seemed like every time I turned around, there was something or someone screwing me over. All I could think was...its fate.

Well guess what fate...screw you.

One –

"Drew, just talk to him!"

Mel received the dry look she deserved. As if it were that simple. I couldn't just go up to him and talk to him. I had no right. I was insignificant in his presence. I was an Omega. We simply didn't have rights, we were nothing but submissive little child bearers. Our entire existence was devoted to our beloved Alpha's.

And he was an Alpha.

A promised one at that. He showed great potential to be a leader. All of the Elders praised him and regarded him with interest. He was amazing. And his name was Kai.

I don't know what it was about him that just put me in a trance, but he bewitched me like no other. Sure, he was perfect, but that never mattered to me. His perfection was simply an added bonus. Maybe it was the way he carried himself, with confidence but not overly deserving. He was still humble. At least, that was how he appeared. I didn't know him enough to be the judge of that. I made my admiration existent only from a distance.

Melrose, my best friend and an Omega like myself, didn't understand why I wouldn't just go talk to him. She has been betrothed to a handsome and capable Alpha since she was four. She was happy and didn't understand why anyone else couldn't be. Life as an Omega just wasn't that simple. We never knew who we were going to end up with and sometimes we didn't even have a choice.

I wanted to talk to him, I did, but I couldn't risk the humiliation if he ended up being one of the douche bags who treated Omega's like dirt or slaves. I wasn't going to put myself through that, I couldn't. It could dishonor my family and I might not ever find a mate. I definitely couldn't risk that. I was already twenty years old, my clock was ticking.

Loving Him (To be re-written)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin