The Oath of a Lyon

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, they own the strip clubs and shops down that block." Gigi nods. "Place is also drug central."

"When the last time you even talked to Dream and his people?" Marquis asked Legend.

"Not since me and War went in." Legend scoffed. "Good reasons to."

"Why did they take her?" Mercedes got her to sit down.

"I told Dream that I didn't want to work at the strip club anymore, or for him, and I had left but I didn't know he followed me home. He thinks she's his-"

"You had that man around her? The girl who is supposed to be my daughter?" Kirk angrily asks. "Tierra have you lost your-"

"I didn't!" Tierra promised. "I always tried to make sure she was never alone with him."

"How the hell am I supposed to believe that she wasn't?" Kirk argues. "Knowing you, you were probably high half the time and don't lie to me." Tierra bit on her tears and looked away.

"I didn't have a choice sometimes, Kirk."

"Don't give me that excuse." Kirk shakes his head. "You could have reached out to my mother who would have called me in a heart beat."

"You would have been upset or not even think she was yours."

"That is still not an excuse, Tierra!" Kirk paced off hands on his head when Legend put a hand on his back making sure to be that distance. "I ain't never been that guy towards you, have I?" Kirk turned back. "No. I'm the one who continuslosy tried to get you clean but you didn't want that help and I washed my hands with it until you were ready to help yourself. All to find out your ass disappeared for this reason. You saw me weeks ago, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know how to."

"Bullshit. But you can come to me now that she is missing? It would have never gotten to that point if you would have said something to me. The hell did I ever do to you but help?! And this how you do me, how you do our so called daughter?"

Tierra wipes her tears. "I'm sorry."

"You need to be apologizing to that little girl." Kirk points. "That's who deserves the apology for even being in this mess with your ass."

Mercedes motions a hand for him to calm down. "Tierra, you said they. Was more people there other than Dray?"

"Some members of his family because he told them she was his." Tierra pulled the sleeves over her hands with a sniffle. "I tried to take her back from him but when he hit me I had hit my head and then he got one of his cousins to take her out of the house."

"It was all men?" Mercedes brows pulled.

Tierra nods holding her arms as she started to remember. "He told me I can't get her back until I come back to stay and I almost went but I can't, he's just going to kill me this time. I know he is and he promised to do it in front of her before."

Kirk shakes his head. "You know where they went?"

Tierra shakes her head slow. "When I did go places with him I was to high to remember exactly where."

"His address ain't going to be that hard to find." Kirk pulls out his phone. "I"m not talking about his trap houses either. Going straight to his main address. I don't care about Dream and his people."

Legend stopped him with a hand over the phone.

"You not approaching this right."

"You crazy? You know Dream and how he is, I don't know any of them fools he got around that little girl. I'm not leaving that little girl with them."

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