Wednesday, October 9

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"Dear Diary... I have the power to rewind time and I ended up on a rooftop trying to stop my friend from jumping off while trying to prevent the possible destruction of my hometown... I fell asleep at my desk and woke up reaching out to rewind... or grab Kate..."

I remember when my journal entries were about which anime character I wanted to be. Or my dreams of being a respected globe-hopping photographer. Or what me and Chloe would be doing when we were finally adults... at least we know how that turned out so far.

Chloe is determined to get to the bottom of what's going on. So I've been playing "What Would Chloe Do?"—which means blowing off my Blackwell homework to research everything I can find on Kate Marsh, Rachel Amber, and the esteemed Prescotts. It would be too easy peasy if they were all connected but at this point,

I think the whole town of Arcadia Bay is connected to this crazy shit. I can already see the story on the National Geographic Channel: "Mystic, Scientific, or Apocalyptic? The Arcadia Bay Tornado."


Speaking of fear, I can still see Kate and her sad, hopeless eyes on that roof... I can't believe she's not here anymore... I heard some students are organizing a petition for Blackwell to set up a scholarship in her memory. That's the least this place could do for her...

At least I feel better now that Nathan is suspended. It's good he's off campus for a few days... I hope. And like I give a shit if the Prescott family sends a team of lawyers after me. Please. I doubt they would like all the publicity. I doubt their tentacles reach into the rest of Oregon... not yet, anyway.

Leave it to Chloe to make me sneak out past curfew and demand I meet her in front of the main building in the dead of the night. I knew Chloe would be all over investigating the campus after what happened to Kate here... This just makes Chloe more desperate to find out what happened to Rachel... if anything.

It's funny that even though I think I can just rewind myself out of trouble, I'm in more trouble now than ever before in my life. If this was a Twilight Zone Story[4] I'd be getting set up for some serious irony. Like I'm going to rewind myself out of existence or something...

Can I honestly say I'll have this ability for the rest of my life? Are the tornado, the snow, and that eclipse just hallucinations or are they genuine prophecy? More importantly, is this a curse or blessing? Chloe is alive and by my side and that has to be a miracle... which means there must be a way to stop my vision from coming true... Right?

So, yes, I broke curfew to hook up with Chloe. She said she had something to show me... Looks like it's time for some serious detective work.

Enter The Blackwell Ninjas!

As I stealthily made my way out of the hall, I saw a shrine in front of Kate's door. I was surprised when it just popped up right after she died. Like everybody at Blackwell suddenly felt guilty for how she was treated. I am glad that so many people wanted to honor her. The cynical side of me says, "Too little, way too fucking late." But I know that Kate would smile and forgive us all. Sigh. Cry.

Day-um, that was too close. I was doing so well until I got outside and of course, it was Principal Wells of all people blocking the way. The one person I least wanted to see. I wasn't ninja enough for him so yeah, he busted me. But, I finally got to see that the gossip was true for a change.

Principal Wells was shitfaced. He didn't even try to hide it. In fact, he was lot cooler drunk than sober. I can see why he's so confused, dealing with Kate's family, and the Prescotts, and David Madsen. He still acts suspicious and gives me way too much "tude" as he would say (nobody says that seriously!), but I can see that he's under a lot of pressure. So much that he's so wasted he can't even use his keys at midnight.

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