October 1, 2013

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October. My favorite month. The best weather of the year. I love watching the leaves change color, turning into tiny flames. But it's still too damn hot (thanks global warming) and I can't bust out the big coats and sweaters or scary movies yet. Soon. Kate let me borrow The October Country by Ray Bradbury.

I haven't read much by him (which caused Warren to almost revoke my geek cred before I held up my copy of Battle Royale) but he nails the autumn atmosphere of small towns. The last time I wore a Halloween costume was with Chloe... I have pictures in one of my old albums...

I should find a real Halloween party to crash so I can experience some social mingling. It's that or a Vortex Club strokefest swimming party. Or is that backstrokefest? You so punny, Max.

At least I'm trying to climb out of my cocoon. I shouldn't expect my life to completely change after a few weeks of Blackwell Academy. As my parents love telling me on a loop, "You have all the time in the world."

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