Chapter 7 - A Gift She'll Like

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The morning sun slowly started to crawl up the sky. The morning mist settled in the forest, creating a serene imagery. Birds started singing their morning songs, and life in the forest started to wake up, ready to face another day.

The clearing bustled as the werewolves started waking up and going on their daily routine.

Tasela's eyes opened with a start. He'd been awake, tossing and turning all night long, unable to sleep thinking about the events that just occurred, and yet at some point, he fell asleep. He jumped up, feeling restless and eager to do something. The sudden movement caused Nokomis to let out a soft groan from beside him.

Tasela, not wanting to disturb his elder sister's sleep, quietly stretched and padded out then den. Nokomis couldn't catch any sleep at all last night due to his constant movement, and Tasela felt guilty for it, especially since she'd taken his torment without a word of complaint. He decided to hunt a bunny for her as an apology.

Bunnies could be hunted anywhere, there was a great abundance of them in the forest after all, but he still went to the pond to hunt them. 'There's more of them at the pond', 'the bunnies there are bigger', 'they're easier to catch there' were all excuses he used to make two moons ago for why he'd come here. After he'd come through with his feelings last night, he had to admit it, he simply came here because Luna's house was near the pond.

Arriving at the pond, he turned to look at the house. It was a lonely existence in the endless grassfield. It stood atop a low hill, like a small castle overseeing the forest and the pond.

It was not obvious in the forest due to the trees covering the light, but staring out at the grass field, Tasela realized just how early in the morning it was right now. The sky was still slightly dark.

From his extensive observation on Luna a while ago, he learned that she was not an early bird. The first signs of movement were always after the sun was fully up, and the sky was brightly illuminated. Seeing as how it was only early dawn now, Luna was obviously still asleep and won't be waking up anytime soon, and Tasela had no intention of waking her up. He decided to focus on his task of bunny hunting and come back later.

After a quick hunt, the young werewolf came back with three bunnies in his mouth. A crow perched on a tall tree near the entrance cawed at him. Without needing to look up, Tasela already knew who it was. It was his father, who was doing his daily morning sunbath, greeting him good morning. With a 'good morning' in return, he continued his journey back to the clearing. He went to his and Nokomis' den to drop off the biggest one of his catch, gently placing it right in front of her so that she can eat it after she wakes up.

Tasela was not sure what to do with the two that were left. Nokomis has a small appetite, so it's not like he could give all three to her, and he himself was already full from eating his share at the pond. It was still quite early at the moment, so he couldn't give them to Luna either, because they won't be as fresh anymore after a few hours. Plus, for being so small, he doubted that she would be able to finish two rabbits.

The more he pondered, the more Tasela got lost in his thoughts. If not these two rabbits, what was he going to give to Luna when he went to visit her? Another rabbit? She didn't seem that thrilled the last time he gave her a rabbit, does that mean that humans don't like eating rabbits? What do humans like? What would be a suitable gift to give her when he goes to visit her later? Would Luna even like a gift? Was it too soon to be visiting her? She said she hoped he'd visit soon, but was today too soon?

Tasela lowered his head in defeat. Humans were an allusive species to him. He'd only met some when he was a pup, back when the Navajo humans used to live on the plains outside the forest, but they've been long gone for a century now. It's not like he was particularly close to them either, he only knew a handful of them because they were the mates of some uncles and aunties in the tribe. It didn't help that Luna was a foreign human too, he had no idea whether the foreign humans and the Navajo humans were alike or different, she was the only foreign human he's ever interacted with.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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