Chapter Thirty Eight: The Favour of a King

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Azriel was about to punch someone, preferably Helion, whose hands were lingering entirely too close to Isolde's body. She was laying on the couch in Rhys' office, her eyes solely trained on his as the High Lord of the Day Court studied her, making notes every so often in a small book, his brow furrowed in concentration.

Isolde took a shaky breath and Azriel was at her side in a flash, hand on her forehead, "You okay?"

"Oh for cauldrons sake Az, I will lock you out of this room if I have to!" Rhys stood and paced around his desk, coming to stand in front of him with his arms crossed.

"Back off Rhys," Azriel growled.

Rhys glanced at Helion, "Look for a mating bond while you're in there, would you,"

Isolde sat up and waved Helion away, "Okay you two, that's enough,"

She stood and stretched her arms over her head, ignoring Azriel standing with her, his eyes filled with worry.

She turned to Helion, "The... matter I asked you about last time. Did you look into it?"

He sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him, "I did. It's never been done,"

"But is it possible?"

"Why do you want to do that, why not just kill him?"

Isolde glanced at Azriel who was standing over her, a hand on her back, "Who knows what the implications would be on me, mentally and politically if I killed the king of Valhallan,"

"You once made me swear to help you do it," Azriel's voice was low.

"Words of desperation, Az," Isolde murmured.

Rhys pulled the chair over so he was sitting opposite and leaned forward, hands on his knees, "Are you trying to break the mating bond with the King?"

"I'm trying to see if it's possible, Rhys," she took his hand, ignoring Azriel's feral look. "If I break it, I break whatever hold he has over me and I don't have blood on my hands,"

The High Lord glanced at his shadowsinger, "Is it possible that, especially with the way Azriel is acting right now, you have another mating bond you could consider? Could that not... counteract whatever you have with the king?"

Helion barked out a laugh, "Two mating bonds? I thought you were smarter than that, Rhysand,"

"Just look at the two of them and try to deny there is something else at play here!"

The High Lords stared each other down before Helion ran an impatient hand over his forehead. He held out a hand to Isolde and Azriel immediately tensed.

"Mating bond, or Azriel is a territorial prick?" Helion said.

"More like her boundaries are important and you should ask her before you touch her,"

Isolde nudged Azriel out of the way and put her hand in Helion's, "Enough Azriel. I'm fine,"

Helion flipped her hand over and studied her palm, her wrist, her forearm, "Walk me through it again,"

"My magic, which usually manifests as fire was different. When I reached for it, the fire wasn't there. Instead I found blinding white light... like sunlight I suppose,"

"Yes and what triggered this?"


"There had to have been something that triggered the change," Helion sat beside her, still holding her wrist. "What made you reach for your magic in the first place?"

"Well... he was going to attack Azriel," Isolde admitted, bringing her eyes up to meet Azriel's.

Helion dropped her arm and began to pace back and forth, everyone's eyes following him for what felt like hours. Finally he paused and looked at her.

In Her Shadow (ACOTAR)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz