Chapter Thirty-Two: Chosen

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Blood dripped down her thigh from where Azriel had managed to nick her with his knife and she had a pounding headache. But this seemed to be working. They had been training for four hours now, since Rhys had made the bargain with her and now that she actually had some realistic obstacles in place, she found it was easier to focus.

You can't take control of me, you swore yourself to me, remember?

Was he behind her? Or was that Azriel. The shadows were so thick and she could only catch glimpses of violet eyes, blue siphons or the knife. She reached out for Rhys' mind.

Put your shields up first, Isolde.

She swore under her breath. That was the first thing he had taught her, put a shield up before trying to take over a mind. She let the green wall of adamant spring up and formed the wall of fire around her psyche, reinforced with that web of blue and hazel. Shielded by the people in her life she cared most about, she reached for Rhys' mind again. She paused. It was completely open for her. She tentatively let her line of fire snake its way in, looking around for his black adamant wall. It seemed to be down and in front of her was a path leading further down into the depths of his mind. She put a foot on that path and as she did he slammed the wall shut behind her, just as Azriel managed to grab her and pin her arms behind her back, his knife pressing at her throat.

The blade almost pierced her and she braced herself as the confusing waves of desire mixed with fear washed over her, threatening to take over. This was where she always fell down. In that fine line between pleasure and pain where her body was no longer able to determine what was a threat to her. This is what she had to overcome.

Azriel paused, breathing in, scenting her arousal.

"Isolde," he murmured, his lips brushing her ear.

A sharp breath. Pain, fear, excitement.

But a chance nonetheless.

Before Azriel could react she wrenched herself free of Rhys' mind, all but burning down his wall and pushed her way straight into Azriels, elbowing him in the stomach as she turned and took his face in her hands.

Obey, she slid her voice silkily into his mind.

She felt him fight, felt him try to take back control, try to lift his knife. But she dug her claws of fire in deeper.

Obey, Azriel.

Rhys began to stalk towards them, "How the fuck did you-"

But Isolde ignored him. She could see Azriel buckling under her power, see his hazel eyes clouding over. She hated herself for this, for doing this to him. But she had to prove that she could.

He may be your high lord, but right now I'm your fucking god. Obey me.

One last push and Azriel's sank to his knees, knife completely forgotten at his side, his head bowed, ready to answer her commands.

She turned back to Rhys, "Tell me again why I can't control you,"

He paused in front of her and crossed his arms. For a moment Isolde thought he was angry with her, but behind his fierce gaze, she saw a hint of playfulness. He was enjoying this.

"I'm your High Lord. You're sworn to me. That bargain may not be the mating bond, but you and I? We're bound for life whether you like it or not and that extends to the other members of my court,"

She hesitated. He was so good at this, so good at the pretence that Isolde almost wanted to crumble and fall to her knees with Azriel, begging for forgiveness.

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