Chapter Twelve: Revelations

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"Issy you've got to heal yourself," Elinoire murmured, wrapping her sisters' arm in a bandage.

"I can't," Isolde sobbed, the pain from her latest session with the king pulsing through her body, making it impossible for her to think.


"He told me not to,"

Elinoire rolled her eyes and stood, taking the basin of water to the dresser, before she paced to the door and locked it.

"No don't!"


Isolde struggled to sit up and held a handout to her sister, "We're already in enough trouble with our brothers, I don't want them to-"

"What? Bash our skulls in? Break a bone? Lock us away in the dark?" Elinore began to pace. "They already make our lives miserable by selling us out to the king every day,"

"I wish we could speak to mother and father,"

The two girls sat in silence, thinking of their parents who had to live away from them. Their mother had been bitten by a creature from the mountain villages two years prior, causing her immune system and healing abilities to fail. So they had to be quarantined away from anything that could endanger her, far in the Mountains of Valhallan, only able to be visited once in a while. The girls tried to write to them, but it was always based on their brother's moods whether their letters were actually sent.

Elinoire sat on the edge of her sisters' bed and took her hand, "Do you think they're still alive?"

"What makes you ask that?"

"It's been so long since we've heard from them, longer than usual and... well I heard the boys talking about keeping it quiet for as long as possible, or it would be harder to control us,"

"And you think they were talking about that?"

Leaning in, Elinoire lowered her voice as low as it would go and Isolde's heart dropped. She had that look in her eye, that look that usually meant the famed Golden Thorn, assassin to the king was plotting something, and it was bound to get both of them in trouble.

"I won't kill for him anymore,"

"Is that right?"

"And I won't have you tortured by him anymore,"

"Elly, what other choice do we have?"

Elinoire paused, a hopeful smile lighting her features.

"Issy, it's time for us to get out of here. And I think I know how,"



I don't know if this letter will reach you, but I am home now, back with our family where I belong. I still have not heard from our parents, but I think of them every day, almost as much as I think of you.

My time in the Night Court being tortured by the Shadowsinger himself is something I never wish to repeat. Our brothers were right about Prythian, it is a place we do not belong.

The king and I grow closer and closer and as the days go on I wonder if he will make me his wife. It is strange not to have our father here and I almost miss the parade of suitors he sends for us, if only so you and I can laugh at them.

Send news of your safety as soon as you can, I hate to think of you out there alone, without me and I long for the days we can be together again.

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