Chapter 9

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Antara Pov
I was now sitting in front of the mirror and was removing all the pins uggh they are so many its like they have put endless pins.

I know you are thinking why I am sitting infornt of the mirror and not on the bed with my veil down and everything.

I just can't do it and it would be pretty awkward for me and Chamkaadhar both and moreover there is a very big problem which is that this room has no couch.

Like we both have to share a bed god this is going to be very hard man. I just don't know how this is going to turn out but I hope it goes well.

Suddenly the door opened and I could see that Agastya was standing at the. His face shows that he too found it very awkward like all this decoration it did look like it's someone's wedding night.

Haha it was our wedding night. "Wait a second my room looks a bit different today" he said while still standing at the door.

"The couch is not there" I said casually still removing my pins like it was pretty normal but it was not. "Shit that's why I was thinking why the room looks a bit empty" he said not bothering about how we will sleep on the same bed.

"Wait thats means we have to sleep on the same bed together" he finally understood the main problem now.

"We have to because we have no choice I must say Indu is smart rather you" I said and he came towards to say something but I again said " We can fight later first help me with these pins that are in my hair please"

Without saying anything he started helping me with all the pins that were in my hair. After good half an hour all the pins were finally removed.

"Thanks now I can finally shower and then sleep" I said. "Wait I am going to shower first cause you are going to take a lot of time" saying this he ran towards the bathroom and I took rna but he was the first to reach.

Before going inside he showed me his tongue and then went inside. This piece of Chamkaadhar I will show him what I can do.

While he was in the bathroom I took a brief moment to look at his room. The walls were painted grey there was a big bookshelf with a variety of books.

The room was perfect just how I like. The room was very cozy and it did make me feel comfortable. There were many photos frames of him with the family but in every picture his mother was missing. Maybe he too had a difficult past with his mother just like I had with my parents.

Atleast we have something in comman the childhood traumas. Suddenly I heard the bathroom door opening and I turned around.


Agastya Pov
I came out of the bathroom wearing comfortable clothes and I saw that she was looking at the photo frames in my room. As soon as I came out she turned towards me.

"You take more time then me" saying this she picked up her clothes and went inside the bathroom without letting me speak.

This girl how am I going to survive with her and moreover why did Indu remove the couch from here. It will be very awkward to sleep on the same bed.

I thought to arrange pillows as a partition between me and her. This way we both won't feel uncomfortable and can sleep peacefully.

And if she by mistake crosses the border so I can rearrange it as I am a light sleeper so I will come to know so that in morning we won't be in eachother's arms. Wow I am smart.

Saying this I quickly arranged the pillow in the middle of the bed. Now it was perfect for anyone to sleep. Just then Chipkali also came out of the bathroom.

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