Chapter- 21 Laughing heartily

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Author's POV

"Why do you want these, Rose?" Shourya asked as he settled the colors and the painting board in the garden.

"It's my mom's birthday next month, and I wanted to gift her a painting as she likes paintings so much," Rose replied softly while checking the colors.

"Really? That's so thoughtful," Shourya commented. "Do you know how to paint?"

"Yes." She flipped her hair, looking at all the colors, deciding which color she should use first.

"You said you know painting?" Shourya exclaimed with a done expression, looking at her, who was painting sitting on the canvas.

She actually poured all the color on the board, and it fell down. Now, she was painting something, sitting on the canvas and stumbling, not knowing what to do.

"Yeah, Shourya, I knew it. I saw many videos," she replied, making him dumbfounded.

"What?" he exclaimed. "You just saw videos and said you knew how to paint?" He was so done with her right now.

"Yup," she commented confidently, holding the brush in her hand and looking at him with puppy eyes. Color was dripping from the brush and falling on her white frock. She already ruined her clothes.

Looking at her cute expression, Shourya didn't have the heart to scold her, so he joined her.

"Don't draw like that," she hissed at Shourya.

"It's you who drew that line," he scoffed.

"Isn't the grass looking good?" She asked Shourya while looking at the canvas, impressed by her own work.

Shourya looked at her, who was sitting on the edge of the canvas, holding her paint brush. Color was dripping from her brush, falling on the trees he painted.

"Oh, is that grass? Sorry, I didn't understand till now," he said sarcastically. "Thanks for telling me; otherwise, I would've misunderstood it for something else."

She pouted as she glared at him.

"You are jealous because you can't paint beautifully like me," she scoffed, flipping her hair and coloring her hair in the process.

Even though they both don't know how to paint, they started painting, bickering at each other.

Aadhya walked to the balcony for fresh air, and when she looked down, she found them doing something in the garden.

She smiled, looking at Rose, who was yelling at Shourya, but she couldn't hear them or see them clearly as they were far away from the building and the big mango tree was blocking her sight.

She got down and walked to them.

"What are you guys doing?" Aadhya asked from behind.

They both startled and left the paintbrush in their hands, which fell on the paint bowl, and paint sprawled on their faces.

They both turned around like the kids caught by their mother while stealing chocolates.

Aadhya laughed, looking at them as they were covered in paint; their faces, clothes, hair, everything had stains of paint.

"What are you ---" she tried to say, but burst out laughing. She can't help but laugh out loud, holding her stomach.

Looking at her laughter, Shourya and Rose also started laughing. Aadhya laughed until she got tears in her eyes.

"Now, tell me, what are you doing?" she chuckled.

They both looked at each other as they stopped laughing abruptly. They were talking with their eyes, while Aadhya was looking at them, confused.

Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Where stories live. Discover now