Chapter- 19 Visiting the factory

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Author's POV

"Rose," Aadhya called after eating.

"Yes, Mamma," she replied as she walked to her.

Aadhya picked her up and placed her in her lap, putting her little knees on either side of her and hugging her daughter's face to her chest.

"Do you need anything else," she asked, caressing Rose's head and kissing the top of her head.

Aadhya understood that Rose was hiding something from her but she doesn't want to ask further when Rose doesn't want to tell her.

"No, Mamma," she replied.

Shourya stood up, cleaned the table, then excused himself, giving space to mother and daughter.

Rose fell asleep in her mom's lap while she was caressing her head lovingly.

"Sorry, angel, I can't give you what you want," Aadhya mumbled remembering the conversation she had with her teacher.

In the morning after sending Rose to her grandfather, Aadhya called Rose's school to tell them Rose can't go to school today and they said it's ok and told her about the father's day event.

She felt bad and immediately guilt travelled her body as her eyes watered.

"I can give you anything in the world but not your dad," she mumbled, blaming the fate why Rose has to go through this pain.

She slowly stood up from the couch carrying Rose in her arms and placed her down carefully then removed her coat and covered Rose with that. She sat on the floor patting Rose's tummy until she fell back asleep when she shuffled in her sleep.

"Don't knock on the door if you come, just come inside," she told Shourya on the intercom as she doesn't want to disturb her daughter's sleep.

And then she was immersed in work until Shourya came to her office.

"Madam, you have a meeting in five minutes," he reminded her and gave her the file related to the meeting.

She took the file and looked at Rose then time... it was a one hour meeting and Aadhya didn't have the heart to leave Rose alone and go to the meeting.

"Shourya, go and get your laptop and work here. I will attend the meeting alone," she said and he looked at her puzzled.

"I don't want to leave Rose here alone and I can't bring her to the meeting room as she is sleeping so I want you to be here with Rose," she remarked and he nodded in understanding.

He brought his laptop and the files he needed to work and settled on the couch. 

Caressing Rose's head one last time, she went to the meeting.

It took one and half hours to complete the meeting. When she came back to her office, Rose was already awake and playing with her Rubik's cube while talking to Shourya, and he was working while listening to her and occasionally replying to her.

Shourya tried to get up holding his laptop when Aadhya arrived, but she signaled him to continue muttering, "continue, continue."

"Let's leave early today," Aadhya said loudly. "Wrap your work. Will leave in half an hour," she said and he nodded surprised as it's only 5:30 and she is saying let's leave. 

Was she the same woman who works until 10pm?

"Mummy, I will sit with Shourya," Rose commented when Aadhya opened the car door for her.

Aadhya nodded and climbed the car while she sat on Shourya's lap in the passengers' seat and Siya took the driver's seat.

"Stop the car, Siya," Aadhya said suddenly and Siya stopped the car.

Aadhya- The Phoenix Within (Previously known as Aadhya- And Her Journey Towards)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora