Late to the Party: Birthday Mishap (calum)

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Calum Hood groaned as he woke up to the blaring sound of his alarm. Rubbing his eyes, he glanced at the clock and froze. Today was his birthday, and he'd completely forgotten. How could he forget something so important? He shook his head, trying to shake off the grogginess of sleep, and quickly checked his phone. There were already messages flooding in from friends and family, wishing him a happy birthday.

Feeling a pang of guilt for forgetting his own birthday, Calum hurried to get ready for the day ahead. But as he rushed around his apartment, trying to get everything together, he couldn't shake the feeling that something else was missing. It wasn't until he was halfway to the studio that it hit him—he had completely forgotten about the important meeting regarding their new album.

Cursing under his breath, Calum picked up his pace, hoping he wasn't too late. But as he arrived at the studio, he could tell by the tension in the air that he was already behind schedule. The other boys were deep in discussion with their producer, and Calum could feel their eyes on him as he sheepishly took his seat.

"Sorry I'm late," Calum muttered, avoiding their gazes. "I completely forgot about the meeting."

Ashton's jaw tightened, and he shot Calum a stern look. "We've been waiting for over half an hour, Calum. This meeting is important, and we can't afford to waste any more time."

Calum felt a sinking feeling in his chest as he realized the gravity of his mistake. He knew how important this album was for their band, and he couldn't afford to let them down. But it wasn't just this meeting—he'd been habitually late for rehearsals, interviews, and even performances lately, and his bandmates were getting increasingly frustrated with his lack of punctuality.

And then, as if things couldn't get any worse, Michael piped up with his trademark snark. "Looks like someone forgot to set their alarm again. Classic Calum move."

Calum felt a flush of embarrassment heat his cheeks as he tried to ignore Michael's jab. He knew he deserved it, but that didn't make it any easier to swallow.

As the meeting progressed, Calum tried to focus, but his mind kept drifting back to his own negligence. He could feel the tension in the room, especially from Ashton, whose patience seemed to be wearing thin.

After what felt like an eternity, the meeting finally wrapped up, but the tension lingered in the air. Calum could sense the disappointment radiating off his bandmates, especially Ashton. He knew he had to make it up to them, starting with the vocal recordings scheduled for later that afternoon.

As Calum stepped into the recording booth, he couldn't shake the feeling of dread that washed over him. He knew he had to nail his parts, but the pressure felt suffocating. With each take, he pushed himself harder, but the words seemed to evade him.

Frustration bubbled up inside him as he stumbled over his lines again and again. He could feel the eyes of his bandmates boring into him through the soundproof glass, and he couldn't shake the feeling of letting them down. Tears of frustration pricked at his eyes as he struggled to regain his composure.

After numerous failed attempts, Calum slumped against the wall, feeling defeated. He knew he was better than this, but today just wasn't his day. As he stepped out of the recording booth, he was met with sympathetic looks from his bandmates, but it only served to deepen his sense of shame.

Feeling dejected, Calum decided to drown his sorrows at the nearest bar. He ordered drink after drink, trying to numb the disappointment of the day. By the time he stumbled out of the bar, it was late in the evening, and he was feeling more than a little tipsy.

As Calum made his way to Ashton's apartment, where the surprise party was in full swing, he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at him. He knew he'd let his bandmates down, and now he was showing up to his own birthday party late and drunk.

But as he stumbled through the door, his guilt melted away at the sight before him. Streamers adorned the walls, and a table was piled high with his favorite snacks. And there, in the midst of it all, were his bandmates, wearing party hats and grinning from ear to ear.

But it wasn't just his bandmates who were there to celebrate. Calum's family and other friends had also gathered to wish him a happy birthday. Tears welled up in Calum's eyes as he realized how loved he truly was.

However, as he tried to join the festivities, Calum's family couldn't hide their disappointment and concern at his drunken state. His mother's eyes narrowed with disapproval, and his father shook his head in disappointment. They exchanged worried glances, clearly upset that Calum had chosen to drown his sorrows instead of facing his responsibilities.

Calum's heart sank as he saw the disappointment on their faces. He knew he'd let them down, just like he'd let down his bandmates earlier in the day. With a heavy heart, he made his way to a quiet corner of the room, feeling more alone than ever.

But his bandmates, seeing the situation in a different light, couldn't help but find the humor in Calum's drunken escapade. Luke chuckled and nudged Ashton. "Well, at least he's celebrating in style, right?"

Ashton rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the hint of amusement in his voice. "Yeah, leave it to Calum to make his own birthday unforgettable."

And as the night went on, Calum's bandmates made sure to keep the party going, showering him with love and laughter, reminding him that even in his darkest moments, he was surrounded by friends who would always have his back.

One direction/ 5 seconds of summer one-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें