The Irish one - Niall

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If you can't already tell I'm a Niall Girly 

Niall glanced around the room, excitement dancing in his eyes as he met the gaze of each of his bandmates. "Wouldn't it be amazing if we got the band back together? The fans would go wild!"

The other members of One Direction exchanged weary glances, their patience waning thin. It had been the umpteenth time Niall had brought up the idea of a reunion, and they were tired of hearing it.

"Seriously, Niall?" Harry sighed, rolling his eyes. "We've talked about this before. It's just not the right time."

"Yeah, and maybe it'll never be the right time," Zayn added, his tone edged with frustration.

Niall's face fell, hurt flickering across his features. "But the fans miss us. Don't you miss it, too?"

Liam shook his head, his voice tinged with irritation. "You're always the one pushing for this reunion. Maybe it's because you're the least favorite and you need the attention."

The words hung heavy in the air, a painful silence settling over the group as Niall's eyes widened in shock. He felt like he'd been punched in the gut, the sting of their words cutting deep.

"I-I'm not..." Niall's voice trailed off, his heart heavy with the weight of their accusations.

Louis sighed, his tone softer now, remorse coloring his words. "Look, Niall, we're all struggling with our own things right now. Maybe we just need some space."

Niall nodded, swallowing back the lump in his throat. He plastered on a weak smile, but the hurt lingered in his eyes as he quietly excused himself from the room.

As the door closed behind him, the remaining members of One Direction exchanged solemn looks, the weight of their words hanging heavy in the air. They knew they'd hurt their friend, but the rift between them seemed deeper than ever before.

Weeks passed, and the tension between Niall and the rest of One Direction only seemed to grow. Despite their attempts to reach out and mend fences, Niall remained distant, ignoring their calls and messages.

Frustration turned to hurt as they watched Niall's behavior in interviews. Whenever the topic of One Direction came up, he either changed the subject abruptly or made biting remarks about his former bandmates.

During one particularly uncomfortable interview, the host brought up the possibility of a One Direction reunion, much to Niall's chagrin. His forced smile faltered, replaced by a steely glare.

"You know, I'm really focused on my solo career right now," Niall snapped, his tone sharp. "I've moved on from that chapter of my life, and I think it's time everyone else did too."

The other members of One Direction watched in silence from their respective homes, the sting of Niall's words cutting deeper than ever before. It seemed like their bond, once unbreakable, was now shattered beyond repair.

Despite their efforts to move forward individually, the absence of their brotherhood left a void that none of them could fill. And as Niall continued to distance himself, they couldn't help but wonder if they'd ever find their way back to each other.

As fate would have it, one evening Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn found themselves in the same restaurant where Niall was dining with his friend Lewis Capaldi. Spotting Niall across the room, they exchanged hesitant glances before mustering up the courage to approach him.

"Niall," Liam called out as they approached his table, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and apprehension.

Niall glanced up, his expression hardening as he caught sight of his former bandmates. "What do you want?" he snapped, his tone laced with bitterness.

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