A stupid fear - Louis

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Trying out a new story format :)

"England, thank you for your support, seriously, I don't know how fans even like us five idiots." Louis grinned as he thoroughly thanked his English and worldwide fans. "To mark the end, here is the fireworks." Louis is shouted through his mic. He stood there watching the fireworks, shivering slightly and smiling as he felt a hand on his back. He turned to Liam smiling widely, "M'kay." He looked up at the boys who were smiling back proudly at him. He shook his head blushing slightly. Louis still remembers how he was badly scared of fireworks before. A fear he had recently overcome.


"Lou wake up. It's going to be midnight soon." Niall jumped on Louis's bed poking him in the ribs to wake him up. "If it's midnight then why should we get up?" Louis groaned turning onto his stomach to protect his ribs from further attack. "Oi, mate, it's going to be New Year. Wake up. Don't you wanna see the fireworks?" Niall shouted. Though he had seen fireworks before, his excitement right now could be compared to a 3 year old getting a gift. Louis cracked an eye open as he heard 'fireworks.' He never told the boys how much afraid was he of fireworks.


He had thought there was nothing to tell the boys about. It was a stupid fear, so why bother the boys. It's not that their job was to deal about fireworks. Really! They would have laughed at him. Such a baby who has a fear of fireworks. But here he was starting to regret that decision. He sat up looking at Louis. "You go. I don't want to see the fireworks." Louis tried pushing Niall out of his room. "Why are you still here?" Harry asked noticing Louis still in bed. "He doesn't want to see the fireworks." Niall gasped faking shock. "Mate, come on. In ten minutes it's midnight. It would be just for about half an hour." Harry said trying to get Louis off the bed. "I'm tired. I wanna sleep." Louis tried convincing them to be left alone but Niall just pulled him over his shoulder walking to the balcony of Zayn's room.

Louis stood on the balcony. He could hear his heartbeat increase as he saw their crew members getting the fireworks ready. He could practically see his hands and feet shaking. Apparently Liam and Zayn could also see it as Zayn approached Louis, "Louis, are you okay?" But Louis was already working himself in a panic attack. Louis crouched down, sitting on the floor with his back to the wall. "Please. No fireworks. It will burn me. Stop them. Please." Louis pleaded his face covered with tears and snot. Liam shot the boys a worried look before crouching down next to Louis. "Lou, the fireworks hasn't even started. And it won't burn you mate. Why do you think that?" Liam asked as he wrapped his arms around Louis in a big hug. "It did before..." Louis mumbled in Liam's shirt as he looked at the boys. "When?" Zayn asked.

Louis calmed down slightly as he found the sky clear. People waiting for midnight to see the fireworks and it wasn't still midnight. "I was younger. Seven years old. There was something wrong with the fireworks and it went like bonkers. It went in the wrong direction injuring many people and it passed near my left thigh burning it badly. Luckily I got help immediately and there are no bad scars left but many people got burnt. It was bad." By the end of his rant, Louis was again in tears and this time all the boys surrounded him in a hug.

"He shouldn't have come out to see the fireworks if he is so scared of them. Such a coward." One of their crew members who were walking by said. Niall and Harry shot the guy a look before looking at each other a guiltily and turning to Louis, "Sorry Louis for dragging you here even when you said you don't want to." "It's okay." Louis sniffed. They stood up and Zayn offered to stay with Louis in his room while the boys wait for the fireworks but Louis refused. "I don't want to stay like a coward. I want to get over this fear." Louis said. "That's my boy!" Niall shot hugging Louis from the side.


Louis stayed glued to Zayn and Liam even grabbing a handful of Zayn's shirt as the countdown began. Liam put a hand to Louis's lower back running a hand slightly on Louis's back to calm his nerves. "Lou,just close your eyes. Take deep breath. Open your eyes now. Look we're all here. The fireworks has to touch us before it gets to you and it won't get to you. We won't let that happen." Liam promised and the rest of the boys nodded. Louis smiled slightly looking up as the fireworks started. His heart skipped a beat but the boys kept him grounded and soon Louis was laughing out loud at Niall who was jumping up and down screaming "fireworks, fireworks."

Present time

The fireworks ended and Louis turned to the boys, his eyes conveying a silent thank you. He walked to stand in the middle of the boys bowing down in the famous one direction style.

I think I like my other formatting better. But might try it again or something different 

One direction/ 5 seconds of summer one-shotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat