Chapter 19: Knight in Shining Armor

Start from the beginning

You weren't worried because he still treated you with kindness and was happy to spend the weekends wandering around Castle Town or down by the lake. But recently, it was as if you didn't exist. He hardly made time for you anymore, and when he did he didn't even show half the time, later claiming some issue or another had come up suddenly.

Like he would probably do again after today.

Through the tavern window, you watched as crowds strolled past, chatting animatedly and munching on various foods that were being sold in the different stalls that currently lined the roads of Castle Town. Today was the Gala - the first one since the strange monsters had been eradicated and Princess Zelda restored her rightful place on the throne. The entirety of Hyrule was celebrating not only the beginning of a new day, but its freedom as well.

Yet despite all of the happiness and celebration, you felt as lonely and dark as ever.

Sighing again, you decided you had spent enough time looking pathetic alone at the table, looking up hopefully at the door anytime you heard it open.

"Your heading out right?" Ilia asked, a knowing look in her eye.

"Yep." You nodded.

"You know, speaking of which.." Her tone had changed to one a bit darker. "This is the third time in a month I've seen you sitting there all alone for a few hours, looking more anxious than a man whose girlfriend just told him she missed her monthly bleed. Wanna tell me anything about that?"

 Her eyes bore into yours, waiting for an answer you had a feeling she already knew.

She was aware that you and Jay were together, and she expressed from the beginning that she wasn't entirely happy about the fact.

Even though you were there as a Blade-Runner which gave you housing and meals, she still insisted on doting on you and taking care of you as if you had nothing. And in a way, you had had nothing. You were forever grateful for her kindness, her hospitality, and her unwavering friendship. You knew that she cared about you more than maybe even your own family, so you absolutely hated the feeling of knowing you were disappointing her.

Jay was was the son of one of the richest businessmen in Castle Town, and maybe even Hyrule. And he... did not have the best reputation. You of course had no way of knowing that being new to the area and all but Ilia, as the owner of the most popular bar in the city, was privy to all of the hot gossip and drama. 

And apparently his name was one that came up with the patrons of her bar. A lot.

When you first caught Jay' eye, and Ilia started to catch on to what was happening, she had given you a warning.

Of course you had thanked her for her concern and promised it wasn't that serious, but now you were regretting not asking more questions. You had fallen in way too deep and before you realized it, you were telling yourself you were different from the other people he had been with. You would change him. Surely you wouldn't be one of those bitter ex-lovers, drunkenly rambling on to anyone who would listen about how awful he was to you.

Well, you hadn't made it to the drunken rambling part quite yet, but you were certainly starting to catch on that maybe you wouldn't be the one to change him after all.

Ilia continued to look at you expectantly, waiting for any kind of answer to her question. You averted your eyes, knowing you wouldn't be able to lie if you had to look at her face.

"No, everything is fine. I just have been feeling a bit suffocated at the Labatory lately. So I've been coming here to get some time alone." Now that the lie was out, you met her eyes again and gave her a very non-convincing smile.

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