Chapter 19: Knight in Shining Armor

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Zelda was sending everyone an invitation to the Gala. You were not interested and Zelda insist you come even when the whole world knows that Link saved Hyrule, but they never praised you who helped a bit.

You won the argument to never be in the Gala but just to watch anyways.

You were having dinner with your friends where Peter, Ray and Ilia were already eating with you.

"Jay just asked me on a date and didn't show up in ages." you informed.

"Seriously?" Ray rolled his eyes.

"Did he really leave you hanging?" Peter's face soured.

"Yes, and I even had the decency to be polite about it!" You shook your head. "I've been waiting for him for hours and he didn't show."

"I smell a rat." Ray whispers to Peter.

"He must be up to something." Peter agreed with him. "He's good at disappearing through nighttime–"

"What does this have to do nighttime patrols?" Ilia interjected, and the boys rolled their eyes.

 "When a man has been elected on nighttime patrols, you ether take a day off or secretly bargain with riches. I see Jay all afternoon training and than vanishing. He comes up everyday saying I got a go hang out with someone. I was thinking he was talking about (Y/n), but never with her. So I smell a rat." Ray explains.

They sat together at a table as you changed the subject. Gossip about the gala had yet to spread through the castle, because Peter  was surprised at the news. "I hope the knights will get to attend."

"I'm sure they will." You assured him.

"And if they can't, you can just be my date," Ilia said simply.

Peter and you nearly dropped your knife and fork. Ray also seemed stunned, because he had paused mid-bite and had yet to remove his spoon from his mouth.

Annoyed, Ilia rolled her eyes. "I mean, it's not like you boys  can go with (Y/n). She'll be going with Link."

"NO SHIT!" You twitch your eye.

"And I'd honestly pay my entire life savings to see you try to ask the princess to be your date. You certainly don't have to go with me, but I figured I'd offer." Katsa finished her statement with a shrug, as if asking Peter to go to the gala with her wasn't completely out of character for her.

"No!'' Peter exclaimed. It seemed that his brain had finally started working again. "No, I'll go with you! I'd love to go with you!"

Ray just looked away slurping his drink with sound.

"Good," Ilia didn't raise her eyes to look at him. 

She looked perfectly calm. 

You, on the other hand, looked between your two friends.  Today had turned out to be strange.

The sun dipped lower in the sky, and as it fell so did your spirits. You sighed, dropping your chin into the palm of your hand. He probably wouldn't show.


You decided that you were only going to wait for another ten minutes before calling it a night and going home. Frustration bubbled in your stomach, and as the minutes passed you found yourself fighting back tears of frustration.

Why hadn't he come? Why does he keep doing this?

You had been romantically involved with Jay for the better part of a half a year. It had started off strong and sweet, with him dropping by your place where you worked nearly daily with some sort of sweet treat or pastry. Eventually, those days came fewer and farther between, but you hadn't thought much about it because it made sense that maybe the excitement of the new relationship was wearing down.

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